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Adventure Gold(AGLD)

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1,168 BTC
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About Adventure Gold?

The live price of Adventure Gold (AGLD) today is 1.5891 USD, and with the current circulating supply of Adventure Gold at 77,310,001 AGLD, its market capitalization stands at 122,856,646 USD. In the last 24 hours AGLD price has moved 0.0271 USD or 0.02% while 14,387,841 USD worth of AGLD has been traded on various exchanges. The current valuation of AGLD puts it at #391 in cryptocurrency rankings based on market capitalization.

Learn more about the Adventure Gold blockchain network and how it works or follow the price of its native cryptocurrency AGLD and the broader market with our unique COIN360 cryptocurrency heatmap.

Adventure Gold (AGLD): Revolutionizing the Gaming Industry with Blockchain Technology

Adventure Gold (AGLD) is a groundbreaking cryptocurrency that aims to revolutionize the gaming industry by leveraging the power of blockchain technology. With its innovative features and robust infrastructure, Adventure Gold offers a secure, scalable, and decentralized platform for gamers and developers alike.

Technology & Mechanism

Consensus Mechanism

Adventure Gold utilizes a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism, which ensures the security and efficiency of the network. PoS allows users to validate transactions and create new blocks based on the number of coins they hold, promoting a more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly approach compared to traditional proof-of-work (PoW) systems.

Blockchain Technology

Adventure Gold operates on a highly advanced and secure blockchain, built on the Ethereum network. This enables fast and transparent transactions, while also providing developers with the flexibility to create and deploy smart contracts. The use of blockchain technology ensures immutability, transparency, and trust in the Adventure Gold ecosystem.

Key Features


Adventure Gold is designed to handle a high volume of transactions, ensuring smooth gameplay and seamless user experiences. The blockchain's scalability allows for rapid processing of in-game purchases, rewards, and transfers, eliminating the frustrations of slow transaction times and network congestion.


Adventure Gold prioritizes the security of its users' assets and transactions. By leveraging the robustness of blockchain technology, Adventure Gold ensures that all transactions are encrypted and stored securely on the decentralized ledger. This eliminates the risk of fraud, hacking, or unauthorized access, providing gamers with peace of mind.


Adventure Gold recognizes the importance of privacy in the gaming industry. Through the use of advanced cryptographic techniques, Adventure Gold ensures that users' personal information and transaction details remain confidential. Gamers can enjoy their gaming experiences without worrying about their privacy being compromised.


Adventure Gold embraces the principles of decentralization, empowering gamers and developers by removing intermediaries and central authorities. The decentralized nature of Adventure Gold allows for fair and transparent gameplay, where users have full control over their assets and can participate in the governance of the platform.

Development Team & Governance

The Adventure Gold project is led by a team of experienced developers and gaming enthusiasts who are passionate about revolutionizing the gaming industry. The team is committed to delivering a seamless and user-friendly gaming experience while ensuring the continuous development and improvement of the Adventure Gold platform. The governance model of Adventure Gold involves community participation, allowing users to have a say in the decision-making process through voting and proposals.

Use Cases & Potential Impact

Adventure Gold has a wide range of use cases within the gaming industry. It can be used for in-game purchases, rewards, and cross-platform transactions, providing gamers with a seamless and secure payment solution. Additionally, Adventure Gold has the potential to disrupt the gaming industry by enabling peer-to-peer gaming, decentralized marketplaces, and the creation of unique gaming experiences through smart contracts.

Purchase & Storage

How to Buy

Adventure Gold (AGLD) can be purchased on several reputable cryptocurrency exchanges, including Exchange A and Exchange B. Simply create an account on one of these exchanges, deposit funds, and trade for AGLD.

Wallets & Storage

Once you have acquired Adventure Gold, it is essential to store it securely. Adventure Gold can be stored in compatible Ethereum wallets, such as MyEtherWallet or MetaMask. These wallets provide a user-friendly interface and robust security features to safeguard your AGLD tokens.

Partnerships & Collaborations

Adventure Gold has formed strategic partnerships with leading gaming companies and platforms to enhance the adoption and integration of AGLD. These partnerships aim to create a seamless gaming experience and unlock new opportunities for gamers and developers within the Adventure Gold ecosystem.


The Adventure Gold team has an ambitious roadmap that outlines their plans for the future. This includes the development of a decentralized gaming marketplace, integration with popular gaming platforms, and the launch of innovative gaming experiences powered by Adventure Gold. The roadmap demonstrates the team's commitment to continuous improvement and innovation within the gaming industry.

Risks & Challenges

While Adventure Gold presents numerous opportunities, it is important to acknowledge the risks and challenges associated with the project. These may include regulatory uncertainties, market volatility, and competition within the gaming and cryptocurrency industries. However, the Adventure Gold team is dedicated to addressing these challenges and ensuring the long-term success of the project.

Community & Regulatory Compliance


The Adventure Gold community is a vibrant and engaged group of gamers, developers, and cryptocurrency enthusiasts. Through online forums, social media channels, and community events, Adventure Gold fosters a supportive and collaborative environment where users can share ideas, provide feedback, and contribute to the growth of the ecosystem.

Regulatory Compliance

Adventure Gold is committed to complying with all relevant legal and regulatory requirements. The project operates in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, ensuring transparency, security, and trust for all users. By adhering to regulatory standards, Adventure Gold aims to foster a sustainable and compliant ecosystem.

In conclusion, Adventure Gold (AGLD) is poised to revolutionize the gaming industry by leveraging the power of blockchain technology. With its scalable, secure, and decentralized platform, Adventure Gold offers gamers and developers a seamless and innovative gaming experience. Through strategic partnerships, a dedicated development team, and a vibrant community, Adventure Gold is well-positioned to disrupt the gaming industry and unlock new possibilities for gamers worldwide.

Adventure Gold Price1.5891 USD
Market Rank#391
Market Cap122,856,646 USD
24h Volume11,769,783 USD
Circulating Supply77,310,001 AGLD
Max Supply80,000,001 AGLD
Yesterday's Market Cap124,296,080 USD
Yesterday's Open / Close1.5807 USD / 1.6078 USD
Yesterday's High / Low1.6622 USD / 1.4898 USD
Yesterday's Change
0.02% ( 0.0271 USD )
Yesterday's Volume14,387,841 USD
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