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Cryptocurrencies/Coins/Astrafer (ASTRAFER)
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About Astrafer?

The live price of Astrafer (ASTRAFER) today is ? USD, and with the current circulating supply of Astrafer at 156,417,090 ASTRAFER, its market capitalization stands at ? USD. In the last 24 hours ASTRAFER price has moved ? USD or 0.00% while ? USD worth of ASTRAFER has been traded on various exchanges. The current valuation of ASTRAFER puts it at #0 in cryptocurrency rankings based on market capitalization.

Learn more about the Astrafer blockchain network and how it works or follow the price of its native cryptocurrency ASTRAFER and the broader market with our unique COIN360 cryptocurrency heatmap.


Astrafer (ASTRAFER) is a groundbreaking cryptocurrency that aims to revolutionize the digital asset landscape. Built on a robust and innovative blockchain technology, Astrafer is designed to offer superior scalability, security, privacy, and decentralization. This digital currency is not just a medium of exchange but a platform that could potentially disrupt various industries.

Technology & Mechanism

Consensus Mechanism

Astrafer employs a unique consensus mechanism that ensures swift and secure transactions. This mechanism is designed to maintain the integrity of the blockchain while ensuring maximum user participation.

Blockchain Technology

Astrafer operates on a state-of-the-art blockchain technology that is characterized by its scalability and security. This technology allows for seamless transactions and a transparent, immutable ledger.

Key Features


Astrafer is designed to handle a high volume of transactions without compromising speed or security, making it a scalable solution for businesses and individuals alike.


Security is a top priority for Astrafer. The platform employs advanced cryptographic techniques to ensure that transactions are secure and data is kept private.


Astrafer respects user privacy. Transactions on the platform are confidential, ensuring that users' financial information is kept secure.


Astrafer is a decentralized platform, meaning that it is not controlled by any single entity. This ensures that the platform remains fair and transparent.

Development Team & Governance

The Astrafer project is spearheaded by a team of experienced blockchain developers and cryptocurrency enthusiasts. The project operates under a decentralized governance model, ensuring that decisions are made in the best interest of the community.

Use Cases & Potential Impact

Astrafer has a wide range of potential use cases. It could be used as a medium of exchange, a store of value, or a platform for building decentralized applications. The potential impact of Astrafer is vast, with the potential to disrupt various industries.

Purchase & Storage

How to Buy

Astrafer can be purchased on several major cryptocurrency exchanges. Users can buy Astrafer with fiat currencies or other cryptocurrencies.

Wallets & Storage

Astrafer can be stored in a variety of digital wallets. These wallets offer a secure way to store and manage your Astrafer assets.

Partnerships & Collaborations

Astrafer has formed partnerships with several major companies and organizations. These partnerships help to further the reach and impact of the Astrafer project.


The Astrafer project has a clear roadmap for the future. This includes plans for further development of the platform, as well as potential new features and enhancements.

Risks & Challenges

Like any cryptocurrency, Astrafer faces certain risks and challenges. These include market volatility, regulatory changes, and technological hurdles. However, the Astrafer team is committed to overcoming these challenges and ensuring the success of the project.

Community & Regulatory Compliance


Astrafer has a vibrant and active community of users and supporters. This community plays a crucial role in the development and success of the Astrafer project.

Regulatory Compliance

Astrafer is committed to complying with all relevant regulations. This includes adhering to anti-money laundering (AML) and know your customer (KYC) regulations.

In conclusion, Astrafer is a promising cryptocurrency that offers a range of unique features and potential use cases. With its robust technology, active community, and clear roadmap, Astrafer is well-positioned to make a significant impact in the world of digital assets.

Astrafer Price? USD
Market Rank#0
Market Cap? USD
24h Volume? USD
Circulating Supply156,417,090 ASTRAFER
Max Supply888,077,888 ASTRAFER
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