The live price of Blur (BLUR) today is 0.204999 USD, and with the current circulating supply of Blur at 1,882,115,641.65 BLUR, its market capitalization stands at 385,831,574 USD. In the last 24 hours BLUR price has moved 0.028499 USD or 0.16% while 34,940,016 USD worth of BLUR has been traded on various exchanges. The current valuation of BLUR puts it at #156 in cryptocurrency rankings based on market capitalization.
Learn more about the Blur blockchain network and how it works or follow the price of its native cryptocurrency BLUR and the broader market with our unique COIN360 cryptocurrency heatmap.
Blur (BLUR) is a unique cryptocurrency that aims to provide a secure, private, and untraceable digital currency. It is built on the premise of privacy and decentralization, offering users the ability to transact anonymously. The main goal of Blur is to provide a platform where users can conduct transactions without the fear of surveillance or censorship.
Blur uses the Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus mechanism, which requires miners to solve complex mathematical problems to validate transactions and add them to the blockchain. This mechanism ensures the security and integrity of the network.
Blur operates on its own unique blockchain, which is designed to provide enhanced privacy and security. The blockchain uses ring signatures and stealth addresses to hide the identity of the sender and receiver in a transaction, making it virtually impossible to trace.
Blur is designed to be scalable, with a block time of just 60 seconds, allowing for fast and efficient transactions.
Security is a key feature of Blur. The use of the PoW consensus mechanism and the unique blockchain technology ensures that transactions are secure and cannot be tampered with.
Privacy is at the heart of Blur. The use of ring signatures and stealth addresses ensures that transactions are completely anonymous and untraceable.
Blur is a fully decentralized cryptocurrency, with no central authority or governing body. This ensures that the network is fair and open to all users.
The Blur project is spearheaded by a team of experienced developers and cryptocurrency enthusiasts who are committed to maintaining the privacy and security of the network. The governance model is decentralized, with decisions made by the community through a democratic voting process.
Blur has the potential to disrupt various industries by providing a secure and private means of conducting transactions. It can be used for online purchases, remittances, and even as a store of value.
Blur can be purchased on various cryptocurrency exchanges. Users can buy Blur using other cryptocurrencies or fiat currencies, depending on the exchange.
Blur can be stored in a digital wallet, which can be downloaded from the official Blur website. The wallet is secure and easy to use, making it ideal for both beginners and experienced users.
Blur has formed partnerships with various organizations and businesses to increase its adoption and use. These partnerships have helped to increase the visibility and credibility of Blur in the cryptocurrency market.
The Blur project has a clear roadmap, with plans to introduce new features and enhancements to improve the user experience and increase the adoption of Blur.
Like any cryptocurrency, Blur faces potential risks and challenges. These include regulatory risks, technological challenges, and market volatility. However, the Blur team is committed to overcoming these challenges and ensuring the success of the project.
Blur has a strong and active community of users and supporters who are passionate about privacy and decentralization. The community plays a key role in the development and governance of Blur.
Blur is committed to complying with all relevant regulations and laws. The team works closely with legal experts to ensure that Blur remains compliant with the changing regulatory landscape.
In conclusion, Blur is a unique and innovative cryptocurrency that offers users the ability to transact privately and securely. With its strong focus on privacy and decentralization, Blur has the potential to disrupt various industries and become a leading digital currency.
Blur Price | 0.204999 USD |
Market Rank | #156 |
Market Cap | 385,831,574 USD |
24h Volume | 47,054,251 USD |
Circulating Supply | 1,882,115,641.65 BLUR |
Max Supply | No data |
Yesterday's Market Cap | 379,881,312 USD |
Yesterday's Open / Close | 0.173338 USD / 0.201837 USD |
Yesterday's High / Low | 0.201837 USD / 0.17047 USD |
Yesterday's Change | 0.16% ( 0.028499 USD ) |
Yesterday's Volume | 34,940,016 USD |