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Cryptocurrencies/Coins/BOOK OF MEME (BOME)
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The live price of BOOK OF MEME (BOME) today is 0.006899 USD, and with the current circulating supply of BOOK OF MEME at 68,961,762,671.22 BOME, its market capitalization stands at 475,771,428 USD. In the last 24 hours BOME price has moved 0.000634 USD or 0.10% while 118,478,120 USD worth of BOME has been traded on various exchanges. The current valuation of BOME puts it at #136 in cryptocurrency rankings based on market capitalization.

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BOOK OF MEME (BOME) is a meme coin launched in March 2024. The famous meme coin saw a surge of 3,000% within just two days after its emergence. Hype, excitement, and listings on major exchanges all fuelled this incredible surge.

The meme coin hit the headlines shortly after it was launched. Its market cap went over $1 billion within a week post-launch. Those who purchased the token reportedly garnered huge gains. 

Experimental in nature, the initiative was started with the goal of encapsulating the dynamic meme culture and ensuring that every meme is permanently stored within the blockchain. Though it does not boast intrinsic utility, the BOOK OF MEME innovatively combines meme preservation, Web3 culture, and decentralized finance (DeFi), which has distinguished the project from other crypto ventures. 

The meme coin is primarily based on the Solana (SOL) network. Deploying the project over the Solana network rather than the Ethereum (ETH) network has also helped the project gain several fans. 

Both InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) and Arweave are responsible for the project's primary storage. There are also future plans for the project to expand to Bitcoin (BTC) inscriptions in order to achieve immutable storage. 

Background and Development 

The BOOK OF MEME was created by Darkfarms, who has been famous for his work with Pepe the Frog memes, especially the Pepe-themed NFT entitled "SMOWL Series." The BOME initiative was created with the goal of working on and establishing a permanent library storage for meme coins. With the help of IPFS, Arweave, and inscriptions, this could all be made possible. It is also meant to serve as a cross-chain storage social platform. 

According to Darkfarms, the BOOK OF MEME initiative was kickstarted with the goal of fostering a new decentralized social media dimension and making memes virtually unstoppable. 


Essentially, BOOK OF MEME is a digital book that is updatable and that is linked to the metadata of the BOME meme coin. This book also has links to images shared by users on-chain, on IPFS, or on Arweave. It also offers tools for meme creation and the establishment of a clipart gallery for memes. The community may then use or share these compilations. 

It also generally covers constantly updating meme crafting tools, e-magazines, and a vast compilation of JPEGs that are non-mint. As more memes fill the collection, it is possible for BOOK OF MEME to become a decentralized social network. It may also eventually traverse into other areas, such as meme games. 

Moreover, by linking the project to the Solana blockchain, the creator plans to reveal the blockchain's utility and flexibility. 

The BOOK OF MEME community is largely centered on sharing various versions of memes that are popular. The project mainly aims to make the token one of the market's most popular meme coins. 

BOME plans to gather related meme variants and consolidate them to become an NFT. This would offer users a straightforward and quick way to explore the internet’s rich meme culture. 

BOME Token

At its core, the BOME token was established to revolutionize Web3 culture by integrating memes in crypto trading and decentralized storage solutions. 

The meme coin's total supply is capped at a value of 69,000,000,420. It was revealed that its initial allocations were 30% for liquidity pools, 20% for community funds, and 50% for its presale. 

Should You Invest in BOOK OF MEME?

  Reasons For Investing in BOOK OF MEMEReasons Against Investing in BOOK OF MEME  
  1. Positive reception. The meme coin surged by up to 3,000% shortly after it was launched, indicating positive attention and reception. 
  2. Good performance and value. The evident popularity of BOME shows that it is currently one of the trendiest meme coins in the market. It has also become one of the top-performing meme coins of the year and one of the top 10 meme coins when it comes to general market cap. 
  3. Potential staying power. Several crypto enthusiasts think that the decentralized storage options of the BOOK OF MEME could offer it more staying power. 
  1. Inherent volatility. Because meme coins are hype-driven and speculative, they are intrinsically volatile. They are subject to extreme price changes within brief periods. BOOK OF MEME is not exempted from this volatility risk.
  2. Little utility. BOOK OF MEME generally offers minimal utility. For it to reach the same valuation as Shiba Inu (SHIB) or Dogecoin (DOGE), it must offer more actual utility to users.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are Meme Coins? 

Meme coins are essentially an integration of meme culture with blockchain. Unlike other types of utility cryptos, most meme coins are fully used for trading. 

Harboring zero value intrinsically, meme coins are speculative and incredibly volatile. In some cases, they could be considered a joke that attracts attention and follower interest. There also tend to be more scams that fall under this specific asset class. Nevertheless, even though meme coins are intrinsically risky, they have become visible in the crypto space because of their place in digital culture and their possibility of offering notable returns. Delving into the meme coin market should only come after extensive research and experience in the crypto landscape.

Some famous meme coins are Shiba Inu and Dogecoin, among others. Several other meme coins boast of entertainment over utility. 

Where Can You Buy BOME Token? 

The BOOK OF MEME token is listed on popular crypto exchanges, which is one reason behind its remarkable popularity surge. You can purchase the token on BybitKuCoin,, and Binance. With an account, you can easily buy, hold, and sell BOME and other cryptocurrencies. 

Where Can You Store BOME Token? 

Cryptocurrencies should generally be stored in a secure crypto wallet, which could either be a software or hardware wallet. Both types of wallets generally have their own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to private key storage and overall security. As for software wallets for storing BOME, some of them are OKX Wallet, Solflare, and Trust Wallet.

BOOK OF MEME Price0.006899 USD
Market Rank#136
Market Cap475,771,428 USD
24h Volume86,188,076 USD
Circulating Supply68,961,762,671.22 BOME
Max Supply68,966,327,627.43 BOME
Yesterday's Market Cap484,119,040 USD
Yesterday's Open / Close0.006386 USD / 0.00702 USD
Yesterday's High / Low0.007363 USD / 0.006292 USD
Yesterday's Change
0.10% ( 0.000634 USD )
Yesterday's Volume118,478,120 USD
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