The live price of Casper (CSPR) today is 0.011168 USD, and with the current circulating supply of Casper at 12,288,373,007 CSPR, its market capitalization stands at 137,240,564 USD. In the last 24 hours CSPR price has moved -0.000105 USD or -0.01% while 3,377,292 USD worth of CSPR has been traded on various exchanges. The current valuation of CSPR puts it at #271 in cryptocurrency rankings based on market capitalization.
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The Casper Network is a powerful and innovative blockchain platform. Launched on March 30, 2021, it's the first live proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchain built off the Casper CBC specification.
Casper focuses on boosting the adoption of blockchain technology, smart contracts, and decentralized applications (DApps). Its architecture ensures the platform evolves with the needs of its users. This makes it accessible to developers from various backgrounds.
Casper aims to usher in a new era for Web3 by solving the adoption trilemma: offering enterprise-grade security, scalability, and decentralization all within the same blockchain protocol.
The Casper Network operates on a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism, which is a method used to secure the network and validate transactions. Unlike proof-of-work (PoW), which relies on computational power to mine new blocks, PoS uses token staking. Here’s how it works:
Validators: Individuals or entities that hold and stake CSPR tokens become validators. These validators are responsible for proposing and validating new blocks.
Staking: Validators stake their CSPR tokens as collateral. This stake incentivizes them to act honestly because if they attempt to cheat or behave maliciously, they can lose their staked tokens.
Consensus: Validators are randomly selected to propose and validate blocks based on the amount of CSPR they have staked. This process ensures that the network remains decentralized and secure.
Rewards: Validators receive rewards in the form of CSPR tokens for their participation in the consensus process. This not only secures the network but also provides an incentive for validators to continue participating.
When considering if Casper is a good crypto, you need to look at its innovative features. Casper crypto is designed to be developer-friendly with support for WebAssembly (WASM), which means developers can build applications without learning a new programming language. It's also user-friendly, with a predictable and stable gas fee model, even during high network usage.
Additionally, Casper is permissionless but flexible, allowing enterprises to build both public and private applications. This flexibility provides the privacy of private networks with the security of public ones. Moreover, Casper supports the upgrade of on-chain smart contracts directly, removing the need for complex governance and migration processes.
Casper coin was co-founded by Medha Parlikar and Mrinal Manohar. Medha serves as the Chief Technology Officer (CTO). She has decades of experience in technology, having worked with companies like Adobe and Avalara. She started working with technology in the early 80s, building computers in her basement. Medha is known for building high-functioning technical teams and delivering production SaaS software for major corporations.
Mrinal, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), has a background in both technology and finance. He has worked at Bain Capital and Sagard Capital. Mrinal has also been investing in the blockchain sector since 2012, with investments in Ethereum, Blockstack, and Maker, among others.
While Casper shares some similarities with Ethereum, it is not part of the Ethereum network. Casper is an independent blockchain that utilizes the PoS consensus mechanism, which is different from Ethereum's current proof-of-work (PoW) system.
Both Casper and Ethereum aim for decentralization and scalability, but Casper brings unique features like upgradeable smart contracts and a more energy-efficient consensus mechanism.
The initial circulating supply of CSPR tokens is broken down as follows:
400M CSPR released from the freely traded tranche of Casper’s Public Sale on Coinlist.
Approximately 183M CSPR provided as liquidity to exchanges.
Additional tranches are held by various ecosystem participants, including Validator Node operators, the Casper Foundation, and CasperLabs AG.
The Casper Network relies on a PoS consensus mechanism for security. This involves token staking to select node validators, making the consensus versatile and scalable.
Unlike PoW, PoS does not require huge amounts of electrical or computing power. Casper employs the Correct-by-Construction (CBC) Casper specification, which enhances Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) applications. Multiple security audits, including one by Trail of Bits, have confirmed Casper’s robust security.
Investing in CSPR (Casper’s token) involves weighing the pros and cons. Here's a table to help you decide:
Reasons for Investing in CSPR | Reasons Against Investing in CSPR |
1. Innovative Technology: Casper is the first live PoS blockchain built off the CBC specification, offering advanced features for developers and enterprises. 2. Developer-Friendly: Supports WebAssembly (WASM), which means no new language to learn for developers. 3. User-Friendly Gas Model: Predictable and stable gas fees, even during high network usage. | 1. Market Volatility: The CSPR price can be highly volatile, like most cryptocurrencies, making it a risky investment. 2. Adoption Challenges: Despite its features, widespread adoption of Casper could take time. |
Casper Price | 0.011168 USD |
Market Rank | #271 |
Market Cap | 137,240,564 USD |
24h Volume | 2,937,585 USD |
Circulating Supply | 12,288,373,007 CSPR |
Max Supply | No data |
Yesterday's Market Cap | 139,723,216 USD |
Yesterday's Open / Close | 0.011477 USD / 0.011372 USD |
Yesterday's High / Low | 0.011524 USD / 0.011067 USD |
Yesterday's Change | -0.01% ( 0.000105 USD ) |
Yesterday's Volume | 3,377,291.50 USD |