The live price of ConstitutionDAO (PEOPLE) today is 0.063027 USD, and with the current circulating supply of ConstitutionDAO at 5,060,137,334.70 PEOPLE, its market capitalization stands at 318,927,090 USD. In the last 24 hours PEOPLE price has moved 0.009402 USD or 0.18% while 152,761,760 USD worth of PEOPLE has been traded on various exchanges. The current valuation of PEOPLE puts it at #164 in cryptocurrency rankings based on market capitalization.
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ConstitutionDAO (PEOPLE) is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that was created with the primary goal of purchasing and preserving one of the 13 surviving copies of the U.S. Constitution. This unique project is a testament to the power of blockchain technology and the potential of DAOs to mobilize collective action for a common cause.
ConstitutionDAO operates on the Ethereum blockchain, utilizing a consensus mechanism known as Proof-of-Stake (PoS). This mechanism allows for faster, more secure transactions and is more energy-efficient compared to the traditional Proof-of-Work (PoW) mechanism.
As a DAO, ConstitutionDAO is built on the Ethereum blockchain, leveraging smart contracts to automate governance and decision-making processes. This ensures transparency, security, and immutability of all transactions and actions within the DAO.
ConstitutionDAO, like other DAOs on the Ethereum network, benefits from the scalability of the Ethereum blockchain. This allows for a large number of transactions to be processed efficiently.
Security is a key feature of ConstitutionDAO. The use of blockchain technology ensures that all transactions and governance decisions are secure and cannot be tampered with.
While transparency is a key aspect of DAOs, ConstitutionDAO also respects the privacy of its members. Personal information is not required to participate in the DAO.
ConstitutionDAO is fully decentralized, meaning that no single entity has control over the organization. All decisions are made collectively by the DAO's members.
The ConstitutionDAO project was initiated by a group of individuals passionate about blockchain technology and its potential to drive collective action. The DAO operates on a governance model where decisions are made through a voting process by token holders.
The primary use case of ConstitutionDAO was to purchase and preserve a historical document. However, the project has demonstrated the potential of DAOs to mobilize resources for a variety of causes, potentially disrupting traditional fundraising and decision-making processes.
PEOPLE tokens, the native token of ConstitutionDAO, can be purchased on decentralized exchanges such as Uniswap.
PEOPLE tokens can be stored in any wallet that supports ERC-20 tokens, such as MetaMask or Trust Wallet.
While ConstitutionDAO was a standalone project, it received widespread support from the broader crypto community, demonstrating the potential for future collaborations.
Following the unsuccessful bid for the U.S. Constitution, the future plans of ConstitutionDAO are currently under discussion by its members.
As with any DAO, ConstitutionDAO faces challenges related to governance, coordination, and regulatory compliance. Additionally, the volatility of the crypto market poses financial risks.
ConstitutionDAO has a vibrant community of members who are passionate about the potential of DAOs to drive collective action.
As a DAO, ConstitutionDAO operates in a regulatory grey area. However, the team behind the project is committed to complying with all applicable laws and regulations.
In conclusion, ConstitutionDAO is a pioneering project that has demonstrated the potential of DAOs to mobilize collective action for a common cause. Despite the challenges, the project has sparked widespread interest and discussion about the future of DAOs and blockchain technology.
ConstitutionDAO Price | 0.063027 USD |
Market Rank | #164 |
Market Cap | 318,927,090 USD |
24h Volume | 168,330,867 USD |
Circulating Supply | 5,060,137,334.70 PEOPLE |
Max Supply | 5,060,137,335 PEOPLE |
Yesterday's Market Cap | 317,330,688 USD |
Yesterday's Open / Close | 0.05331 USD / 0.062712 USD |
Yesterday's High / Low | 0.064144 USD / 0.052741 USD |
Yesterday's Change | 0.18% ( 0.009402 USD ) |
Yesterday's Volume | 152,761,760 USD |