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Dogelon Mars(ELON)

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0.0003 SAT
Market Cap (Rank#332)
1,504 BTC
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124.869 BTC
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About Dogelon Mars?

The live price of Dogelon Mars (ELON) today is 0.0000003 USD, and with the current circulating supply of Dogelon Mars at 549,652,770,159,583.25 ELON, its market capitalization stands at 158,117,657 USD. In the last 24 hours ELON price has moved -0.00000002 USD or -0.06% while 15,795,801 USD worth of ELON has been traded on various exchanges. The current valuation of ELON puts it at #332 in cryptocurrency rankings based on market capitalization.

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Dogelon Mars (ELON) is a unique cryptocurrency that combines the popularity of meme coins with the ambition of reaching Mars. Named after the famous entrepreneur Elon Musk, Dogelon Mars aims to become the first interplanetary currency. This digital asset is built on the Ethereum blockchain and uses a deflationary mechanism to ensure its value over time.

Technology & Mechanism

Consensus Mechanism

As a token on the Ethereum blockchain, Dogelon Mars operates under the Ethereum's Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism. This mechanism is energy-efficient and ensures fast and secure transactions.

Blockchain Technology

Dogelon Mars is an ERC-20 token, meaning it operates on the Ethereum blockchain. This allows it to benefit from Ethereum's smart contract functionality and robust security measures.

Key Features


Thanks to the Ethereum network, Dogelon Mars can handle a large number of transactions quickly and efficiently.


The Ethereum blockchain's security measures protect Dogelon Mars, making it a safe and reliable cryptocurrency.


While transactions are transparent on the blockchain, the identity of Dogelon Mars holders remains private, ensuring user privacy.


Dogelon Mars is a decentralized cryptocurrency, meaning it's not controlled by any central authority or government.

Development Team & Governance

The Dogelon Mars project is spearheaded by a team of anonymous developers who are passionate about cryptocurrency and space exploration. The project operates under a decentralized governance model.

Use Cases & Potential Impact

Dogelon Mars aims to be more than just a meme coin. It has the potential to disrupt the financial industry by becoming the first interplanetary currency. It could also be used for microtransactions, tipping, and other online transactions.

Purchase & Storage

How to Buy

Dogelon Mars can be purchased on several exchanges, including Uniswap and KuCoin. Users can exchange other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum for Dogelon Mars.

Wallets & Storage

Dogelon Mars can be stored in any wallet that supports ERC-20 tokens, such as MetaMask or Trust Wallet.

Partnerships & Collaborations

While Dogelon Mars is a relatively new project, it has already garnered attention from several influencers in the cryptocurrency space.


The Dogelon Mars team has ambitious plans for the future, including further development of the token's utility and potential collaborations with other projects.

Risks & Challenges

Like any cryptocurrency, Dogelon Mars faces potential risks and challenges, including market volatility and regulatory changes. However, the team is committed to navigating these challenges and ensuring the project's success.

Community & Regulatory Compliance


Dogelon Mars has a vibrant and growing community of supporters, known as "Martians," who are passionate about the project and its potential.

Regulatory Compliance

As an ERC-20 token, Dogelon Mars complies with the regulations of the Ethereum network and the jurisdictions in which it operates.

In conclusion, Dogelon Mars is a unique and ambitious project that combines the popularity of meme coins with the potential of space exploration. With its robust technology, key features, and growing community, it's a cryptocurrency worth watching.

Dogelon Mars Price0.0000003 USD
Market Rank#332
Market Cap158,117,657 USD
24h Volume13,126,819 USD
Circulating Supply549,652,770,159,583.25 ELON
Max Supply1,000,000,000,000,000 ELON
Yesterday's Market Cap166,461,552 USD
Yesterday's Open / Close0.0000003 USD / 0.0000003 USD
Yesterday's High / Low0.0000003 USD / 0.0000003 USD
Yesterday's Change
-0.06% ( 0.00000002 USD )
Yesterday's Volume15,795,801 USD
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