The live price of Fartcoin (FARTCOIN) today is 0.18789 USD, and with the current circulating supply of Fartcoin at 999,998,256 FARTCOIN, its market capitalization stands at 187,889,438 USD. In the last 24 hours FARTCOIN price has moved -0.052328 USD or -0.19% while 3,995,251 USD worth of FARTCOIN has been traded on various exchanges. The current valuation of FARTCOIN puts it at #325 in cryptocurrency rankings based on market capitalization.
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Fartcoin Price | 0.18789 USD |
Market Rank | #325 |
Market Cap | 187,889,438 USD |
24h Volume | 7,706,611 USD |
Circulating Supply | 999,998,256 FARTCOIN |
Max Supply | 1,000,000,000 FARTCOIN |
Yesterday's Market Cap | 216,930,240 USD |
Yesterday's Open / Close | 0.269259 USD / 0.216931 USD |
Yesterday's High / Low | 0.272556 USD / 0.215243 USD |
Yesterday's Change | -0.19% ( 0.052328 USD ) |
Yesterday's Volume | 3,995,250.50 USD |