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Gains Network(GNS)

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0.00003942 BTC
Market Cap (Rank#382)
1,318 BTC
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18.3901 BTC
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About Gains Network?

The live price of Gains Network (GNS) today is 2.1502 USD, and with the current circulating supply of Gains Network at 33,444,544.74 GNS, its market capitalization stands at 71,912,192 USD. In the last 24 hours GNS price has moved 0.0545 USD or 0.03% while 1,207,487 USD worth of GNS has been traded on various exchanges. The current valuation of GNS puts it at #382 in cryptocurrency rankings based on market capitalization.

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Gains Network (GNS) is a revolutionary cryptocurrency project that aims to redefine the digital asset landscape. It is a decentralized platform that leverages blockchain technology to provide a secure, scalable, and user-friendly environment for digital transactions. GNS is designed to empower users with financial freedom and control over their assets.

Technology & Mechanism

Consensus Mechanism

Gains Network utilizes a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism, which is energy-efficient and promotes decentralization. This mechanism ensures that all transactions are validated by stakeholders, enhancing the security and integrity of the network.

Blockchain Technology

GNS operates on an advanced blockchain technology that supports smart contracts and decentralized applications. This technology enables seamless and secure transactions, fostering trust and transparency within the network.

Key Features


GNS is designed to handle a high volume of transactions without compromising speed or security, making it highly scalable.


With its robust blockchain technology and PoS consensus mechanism, GNS ensures top-notch security for all transactions.


GNS respects user privacy and ensures that all transactions are confidential and secure from third-party interference.


As a decentralized platform, GNS promotes financial sovereignty and eliminates the need for intermediaries.

Development Team & Governance

The Gains Network project is spearheaded by a team of experienced blockchain developers and crypto enthusiasts. The project operates under a decentralized governance model, where stakeholders have a say in the network's future development.

Use Cases & Potential Impact

GNS has a wide range of potential use cases, including peer-to-peer transactions, decentralized finance, and digital asset management. It has the potential to disrupt traditional financial systems and pave the way for a more inclusive and decentralized economy.

Purchase & Storage

How to Buy

GNS can be purchased on several cryptocurrency exchanges. Users can buy GNS using other cryptocurrencies or fiat currencies, depending on the exchange.

Wallets & Storage

GNS can be securely stored in a variety of digital wallets that support the GNS token. These wallets provide secure storage and easy access to your GNS tokens.

Partnerships & Collaborations

Gains Network has partnered with several blockchain projects and organizations to enhance its platform and expand its reach. These partnerships contribute to the growth and development of the GNS ecosystem.


The Gains Network project has a comprehensive roadmap that outlines its future plans and objectives. The roadmap includes plans for technological enhancements, partnerships, and community development.

Risks & Challenges

Like any cryptocurrency project, GNS faces potential risks and challenges, including regulatory hurdles, market volatility, and technological issues. However, the GNS team is committed to addressing these challenges and ensuring the project's success.

Community & Regulatory Compliance


The Gains Network has a vibrant and active community of supporters and contributors. The community plays a crucial role in the project's development and success.

Regulatory Compliance

GNS is committed to complying with all relevant regulations and laws. It prioritizes transparency and accountability in its operations.

In conclusion, Gains Network (GNS) is a promising cryptocurrency project that leverages advanced blockchain technology to provide a secure, scalable, and user-friendly platform for digital transactions. With its robust features and strong community support, GNS has the potential to redefine the digital asset landscape.

Gains Network Price2.1502 USD
Market Rank#382
Market Cap71,912,192 USD
24h Volume1,003,142 USD
Circulating Supply33,444,544.74 GNS
Max Supply30,291,000 GNS
Yesterday's Market Cap71,576,776 USD
Yesterday's Open / Close2.0857 USD / 2.1402 USD
Yesterday's High / Low2.1686 USD / 2.0726 USD
Yesterday's Change
0.03% ( 0.0545 USD )
Yesterday's Volume1,207,487.38 USD
Mining Info
Hashing algorithmCryptoNight Turtle
Pools (known)?
Pools Hashrate0.00 H/s
Network Hashrate0.00 H/s
By MiningPoolStats
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