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About Hive?

The live price of Hive (HIVE) today is 0.355928 USD, and with the current circulating supply of Hive at 500,749,242.95 HIVE, its market capitalization stands at 178,230,667 USD. In the last 24 hours HIVE price has moved 0.005722 USD or 0.02% while 14,526,570 USD worth of HIVE has been traded on various exchanges. The current valuation of HIVE puts it at #334 in cryptocurrency rankings based on market capitalization.

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Hive (HIVE) is a forward-thinking cryptocurrency that aims to provide a blockchain-based social blogging experience. It is a decentralized information sharing network with an accompanying cryptocurrency, designed to reward users who actively contribute and participate. Hive's unique selling point is its commitment to decentralization, censorship resistance, and rewarding content creation.

Technology & Mechanism

Consensus Mechanism

Hive operates on a Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) consensus mechanism. This system allows Hive to process transactions quickly and efficiently, while maintaining a high level of security and decentralization.

Blockchain Technology

Hive operates on its own dedicated blockchain, which is designed to support a wide range of decentralized applications (dApps). It is particularly well-suited to social and content-focused applications, thanks to its ability to handle large volumes of transactions quickly and efficiently.

Key Features


Hive's blockchain is designed to scale effectively, handling a high volume of transactions without compromising on speed or security.


Security is a top priority for Hive. The DPoS consensus mechanism, combined with the robust architecture of the Hive blockchain, ensures that transactions are secure and resistant to attacks.


While Hive is a public blockchain, it respects user privacy. Users have control over what information they share on the platform.


Hive is committed to decentralization. It is governed by a distributed community of stakeholders who vote on major decisions, including the election of 'witnesses' who validate transactions and maintain the blockchain.

Development Team & Governance

Hive is developed and maintained by a decentralized community of developers, contributors, and users. Governance decisions are made collectively, with stakeholders voting on key issues.

Use Cases & Potential Impact

Hive has a wide range of potential use cases, particularly in the realm of content creation and social media. It could disrupt traditional social media platforms by providing a decentralized alternative where users are rewarded for their contributions.

Purchase & Storage

How to Buy

Hive can be purchased on several cryptocurrency exchanges, including Binance and Bittrex. Users can buy Hive with other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum.

Wallets & Storage

Hive can be stored in a variety of wallets, including both hardware and software options. Hive's official wallet is available for download on their website.

Partnerships & Collaborations

Hive has formed partnerships with several other blockchain projects and platforms, further expanding its reach and potential use cases.


Hive's roadmap includes plans for further development of its blockchain, including improvements to scalability and security, as well as the introduction of new features and applications.

Risks & Challenges

Like any cryptocurrency, Hive faces potential risks and challenges. These include the technical challenges associated with scaling a blockchain, as well as regulatory and market risks.

Community & Regulatory Compliance


Hive has a vibrant and active community of users, developers, and supporters. The community is a key part of Hive's governance model, with stakeholders actively participating in decision-making processes.

Regulatory Compliance

Hive is committed to complying with all relevant regulations and laws. It operates transparently and works to ensure that it meets all legal requirements.

In conclusion, Hive is a promising cryptocurrency with a focus on decentralization, user rewards, and content creation. Its unique approach to social blogging on the blockchain could make it a key player in the future of decentralized social media.

Hive Price0.355928 USD
Market Rank#334
Market Cap178,230,667 USD
24h Volume11,531,110 USD
Circulating Supply500,749,242.95 HIVE
Max SupplyNo data
Yesterday's Market Cap181,416,496 USD
Yesterday's Open / Close0.356568 USD / 0.36229 USD
Yesterday's High / Low0.363548 USD / 0.344734 USD
Yesterday's Change
0.02% ( 0.005722 USD )
Yesterday's Volume14,526,570 USD
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