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About Kusama?

The live price of Kusama (KSM) today is 18.0583 USD, and with the current circulating supply of Kusama at 15,435,280.28 KSM, its market capitalization stands at 278,735,183 USD. In the last 24 hours KSM price has moved 0.5488 USD or 0.03% while 3,335,794 USD worth of KSM has been traded on various exchanges. The current valuation of KSM puts it at #169 in cryptocurrency rankings based on market capitalization.

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Kusama (KSM) is a unique, experimental blockchain platform designed to provide a scalable and interoperable framework for developers. It is often referred to as a "canary network" for Polkadot, serving as a testing ground for new features and upgrades before they are implemented on the Polkadot network. Kusama's key features include its scalability, security, privacy, and decentralization.

Technology & Mechanism

Consensus Mechanism

Kusama uses a hybrid consensus mechanism called Nominated Proof-of-Stake (NPoS), which combines elements of both Proof-of-Stake (PoS) and delegated Proof-of-Stake (dPoS) mechanisms.

Blockchain Technology

Kusama operates on a multi-chain, or "sharded", blockchain model. This allows for high scalability and the ability to process multiple transactions simultaneously across different chains.

Key Features


Kusama's multi-chain architecture allows for high scalability, with the ability to process multiple transactions simultaneously across different chains.


Kusama's NPoS consensus mechanism and multi-chain architecture provide robust security against attacks and network failures.


While Kusama's blockchain is transparent, it also offers privacy features such as private transactions and confidential contracts.


Kusama is fully decentralized, with no central authority controlling the network. Its governance is handled by the community of KSM token holders.

Development Team & Governance

Kusama is developed by the Web3 Foundation and Parity Technologies, the same team behind Polkadot. Its governance model is community-driven, with KSM token holders having the ability to vote on network upgrades and changes.

Use Cases & Potential Impact

Kusama's scalable and interoperable framework makes it ideal for a wide range of applications, including DeFi, IoT, gaming, and more. Its potential impact on these industries is significant, as it offers a more efficient and secure alternative to traditional blockchain platforms.

Purchase & Storage

How to Buy

KSM tokens can be purchased on several major exchanges, including Binance, Kraken, and Huobi. They can also be earned through staking and participating in the network's governance.

Wallets & Storage

KSM tokens can be stored in a variety of wallets, including hardware wallets like Ledger and Trezor, as well as software wallets like Polkawallet and Trust Wallet.

Partnerships & Collaborations

Kusama has partnered with several notable projects in the blockchain space, including Chainlink, Moonbeam, and Acala Network.


Kusama's future plans include further enhancing its scalability and interoperability features, as well as implementing more advanced privacy and security measures.

Risks & Challenges

Like any blockchain project, Kusama faces potential risks and challenges, including regulatory hurdles, technological issues, and market volatility. However, its strong development team and community support provide a solid foundation for overcoming these challenges.

Community & Regulatory Compliance


Kusama has a vibrant and active community, with numerous developers, validators, and users contributing to its growth and development.

Regulatory Compliance

Kusama is committed to complying with all relevant regulations and laws, and works closely with legal experts to ensure its operations are fully compliant.

In conclusion, Kusama is a groundbreaking blockchain platform that offers a scalable, secure, and interoperable framework for developers. With its strong development team, active community, and innovative features, it holds great potential for disrupting various industries and shaping the future of blockchain technology.

Kusama Price18.0583 USD
Market Rank#169
Market Cap278,735,183 USD
24h Volume2,743,209 USD
Circulating Supply15,435,280.28 KSM
Max Supply9,651,217 KSM
Yesterday's Market Cap273,394,496 USD
Yesterday's Open / Close17.1661 USD / 17.7149 USD
Yesterday's High / Low18.1059 USD / 17.039 USD
Yesterday's Change
0.03% ( 0.5488 USD )
Yesterday's Volume3,335,793.50 USD
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