The live price of MARBLEX (MBX) today is 0.374174 USD, and with the current circulating supply of MARBLEX at 139,289,753.10 MBX, its market capitalization stands at 52,118,660 USD. In the last 24 hours MBX price has moved 0.002896 USD or 0.01% while 913,754 USD worth of MBX has been traded on various
exchanges. The current valuation of MBX puts it at #492 in cryptocurrency rankings based on market capitalization.
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MARBLEX (MBX) is a blockchain game ecosystem that is revolutionizing the gaming industry with its exceptional games and sustainable business model. With a focus on creating a specialized blockchain ecosystem for games, MARBLEX aims to provide benefits and profits to developers, service providers, publishers, and users. By offering multidimensional services and exploring ways to enhance token utility, MARBLEX is paving the way for the future of gaming.
Technology & Mechanism
Consensus Mechanism
MARBLEX utilizes a robust and secure consensus mechanism to ensure the integrity and immutability of its blockchain. The specific consensus mechanism employed by MARBLEX is not disclosed in the available information.
Blockchain Technology
MARBLEX operates on a blockchain technology that provides the necessary infrastructure for secure and transparent transactions. While no details are provided about the specific blockchain used, MARBLEX aims to pioneer the mass adoption of WEB3 ecosystems by supporting various multichains. The project also plans to expand its repertoire of supported mainnets, including the integration of the Near (Aurora) and APTOS networks in the future.
Key Features
MARBLEX is designed to scale efficiently, allowing for seamless gameplay experiences even during peak usage periods. The underlying technology ensures that the ecosystem can handle a high volume of transactions without compromising performance.
Security is a top priority for MARBLEX. The platform employs robust security measures to protect user data and assets. By leveraging blockchain technology, MARBLEX ensures that transactions are secure, transparent, and tamper-proof.
MARBLEX prioritizes user privacy and implements measures to safeguard personal information. The platform adheres to strict privacy protocols, ensuring that user data is protected and only used for authorized purposes.
MARBLEX embraces the principles of decentralization, aiming to create a truly decentralized gaming ecosystem. By leveraging blockchain technology, MARBLEX eliminates the need for intermediaries, allowing for direct peer-to-peer interactions and fostering a more inclusive and fair gaming environment.
Development Team & Governance
No information is provided about the team or organization behind the MARBLEX project. Details about the project's governance model, if applicable, are also not mentioned.
Use Cases & Potential Impact
MARBLEX aims to disrupt and enhance the gaming industry by providing a sustainable business model for game publishing. By offering benefits and profits to developers, service providers, publishers, and users, MARBLEX creates an ecosystem that incentivizes innovation and rewards active participation. With its specialized blockchain ecosystem for games, MARBLEX has the potential to revolutionize the way games are developed, published, and enjoyed.
Purchase & Storage
How to Buy
MARBLEX (MBX) tokens can be acquired through various exchanges. It is recommended to visit the official MARBLEX website or consult reputable cryptocurrency exchanges to find the most up-to-date information on where to purchase MBX tokens.
Wallets & Storage
To securely store MBX tokens, users can utilize non-custodial wallets like MetaMask. By installing the MetaMask Chrome extension, users can import their MBX Wallet private key and view their assets. It is crucial to ensure the private key is stored offline and not shared with anyone to prevent unauthorized access to funds.
Partnerships & Collaborations
No details are provided about any partnerships, collaborations, or endorsements of the MARBLEX project.
No information is given about the future plans, objectives, or upcoming features or enhancements of the MARBLEX project.
Risks & Challenges
No potential risks, challenges, or hurdles are mentioned in the available information.
Community & Regulatory Compliance
MARBLEX is supported by a vibrant community of gamers, developers, and enthusiasts who are passionate about the future of blockchain gaming. The community actively engages in discussions, provides feedback, and contributes to the growth and development of the ecosystem.
Regulatory Compliance
MARBLEX aims to comply with all relevant legal and regulatory requirements. However, no specific information is provided about the project's legal and regulatory compliance measures.
In conclusion, MARBLEX is a blockchain game ecosystem that is revolutionizing the gaming industry. With its exceptional games and sustainable business model, MARBLEX aims to create a specialized blockchain ecosystem for games that benefits developers, service providers, publishers, and users. While the available information lacks details about the underlying technology, team, partnerships, and future plans, MARBLEX has the potential to disrupt and enhance the gaming industry. Users can acquire and securely store MBX tokens through reputable exchanges and non-custodial wallets like MetaMask. With a vibrant community supporting its growth, MARBLEX is poised to shape the future of blockchain gaming.