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Cryptocurrencies/Coins/Metaverse ETP (ETP)
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Metaverse ETP(ETP)

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0.00000006 BTC
Market Cap (Rank#3670)
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0.069973 BTC
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About Metaverse ETP?

The live price of Metaverse ETP (ETP) today is 0.003711 USD, and with the current circulating supply of Metaverse ETP at ? ETP, its market capitalization stands at ? USD. In the last 24 hours ETP price has moved -0.000084 USD or -0.02% while 4,330 USD worth of ETP has been traded on various exchanges. The current valuation of ETP puts it at #3670 in cryptocurrency rankings based on market capitalization.

Learn more about the Metaverse ETP blockchain network and how it works or follow the price of its native cryptocurrency ETP and the broader market with our unique COIN360 cryptocurrency heatmap.

Metaverse is a cryptocurrency project named after a concept from Stephenson’s novel Snow Crash. In his view, the Metaverse is a virtual shared space, and the Metaverse project seeks to provide something close to that idea in its core. Metaverse is powered by the Entropy (ETP) coin. The total number of ETP is 100 million. Metaverse implements the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm to provide security for the ETP coin. Metaverse’s ICO was a platform to distribute 25 million ETP coins. The same number of coins was held by the Metaverse Foundation. At the time of posting, users are mining another 30 million Metaverse coins, and the 20 million remaining ETP coins are reserved for future staking deposit rewards. Check out the latest Metaverse price on ETP price, the latest Metaverse news and handy price graphs on
Metaverse ETP Price0.003711 USD
Market Rank#3670
Market Cap? USD
24h Volume4,358 USD
Circulating Supply? ETP
Max Supply100,000,000 ETP
Yesterday's Market Cap? USD
Yesterday's Open / Close0.003893 USD / 0.003809 USD
Yesterday's High / Low0.003921 USD / 0.00363 USD
Yesterday's Change
-0.02% ( 0.000084 USD )
Yesterday's Volume4,330.49 USD
Mining Info
Hashing algorithmEthash
Pools (known)2
Pools Hashrate6.31 GH/s
Network Hashrate6.45 GH/s
By MiningPoolStats
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