The live price of Mina (MINA) today is 0.434492 USD, and with the current circulating supply of Mina at 1,156,578,043.84 MINA, its market capitalization stands at 502,523,797 USD. In the last 24 hours MINA price has moved 0.016761 USD or 0.04% while 10,629,052 USD worth of MINA has been traded on various exchanges. The current valuation of MINA puts it at #119 in cryptocurrency rankings based on market capitalization.
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Mina Protocol is designed to revolutionize how we think about blockchain technology. Unlike traditional blockchains that grow larger and more cumbersome over time, Mina maintains a tiny footprint.
At just 22 KB, Mina is incredibly lightweight compared to Bitcoin's massive 300 GB blockchain. This small size allows Mina to operate efficiently and remain accessible to a broader range of users and devices.
Mina's main goal is to create an efficient and easy-to-verify decentralized payment system. It achieves this by using a cryptographic technique called Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments of Knowledge (zk-SNARKs). These zk-SNARKs allow Mina to prove the validity of transactions without revealing any specific details, making Mina not only efficient but also secure and private.
Safety is a top priority for Mina Protocol. By leveraging advanced cryptographic methods, particularly zk-SNARKs, Mina ensures that transactions are secure and private. These cryptographic proofs enable Mina to maintain a high level of security while keeping the blockchain lightweight.
zk-SNARKs: These proofs allow for secure transaction verification without exposing sensitive data.
Decentralization: A distributed network of verifiers, block producers, and snarkers ensures that there is no single point of failure.
Ouroboros Samasika: A unique Proof-of-Stake mechanism designed specifically for succinct blockchains, providing robust security from the genesis block.
By combining these features, Mina Protocol offers a secure environment for users to conduct transactions and develop DApps.
Mina Protocol is a decentralized project, meaning it is not owned by a single individual or entity. Instead, it is supported by a global community of developers, contributors, and enthusiasts. The Mina Foundation oversees the development and strategic direction of the protocol, ensuring it aligns with its core mission and values.
Mina Foundation: A non-profit organization responsible for the protocol's development and governance.
Community Contributors: Developers and users from around the world contribute to Mina's growth and success.
Decentralized Governance: Decisions about the protocol are made through a decentralized governance model, giving the community a voice in its future.
This decentralized approach ensures that Mina remains a community-driven project, benefiting from diverse perspectives and expertise.
Mina Protocol operates under a decentralized model and is not managed by a single CEO like traditional companies. However, the project was initiated by a team at O(1) Labs, with Evan Shapiro and Izaak Meckler being key figures in its development. These individuals played pivotal roles in conceptualizing and launching Mina Protocol.
While Mina Protocol incorporates strong privacy features, it is not classified as a privacy coin. Mina uses zk-SNARKs to ensure transaction privacy, but its primary focus is on efficiency and scalability rather than anonymity.
zk-SNARKs: Provide a high level of transaction privacy by proving validity without revealing details.
Selective Disclosure: Users can choose what information to share, enhancing privacy while maintaining functionality.
Although privacy is a key component of Mina's design, its broader goals include creating a lightweight, efficient, and secure blockchain platform.
Predicting the future price of any cryptocurrency, including Mina Protocol, involves considering various factors such as market trends, technological advancements, and broader economic conditions..
Innovative Technology: Mina's unique use of zk-SNARKs and its lightweight blockchain design make it a standout in the crypto space. As more users and developers recognize these advantages, demand for Mina crypto could increase, potentially driving up the price.
Adoption and Partnerships: Increased adoption of Mina Protocol for decentralized applications (DApps) and strategic partnerships with key players in the blockchain industry can boost its market position and value.
Market Conditions: The overall performance of the cryptocurrency market will significantly impact Mina's price. Bullish market trends, increased investment in blockchain technology, and positive sentiment towards cryptocurrencies can contribute to price growth.
Community and Development: The active and engaged community around Mina Protocol, along with continuous development and upgrades, can enhance its appeal and stability, supporting long-term price appreciation.
Investing in any cryptocurrency involves weighing the potential benefits against the risks. Mina Protocol offers several compelling reasons for investment, but it's essential to consider the challenges as well.
Reasons for Investing in MINA | Reasons Against Investing in MINA |
Mina Price | 0.434492 USD |
Market Rank | #119 |
Market Cap | 502,523,797 USD |
24h Volume | 8,390,321 USD |
Circulating Supply | 1,156,578,043.84 MINA |
Max Supply | No data |
Yesterday's Market Cap | 504,862,208 USD |
Yesterday's Open / Close | 0.419829 USD / 0.43659 USD |
Yesterday's High / Low | 0.438119 USD / 0.419829 USD |
Yesterday's Change | 0.04% ( 0.016761 USD ) |
Yesterday's Volume | 10,629,052 USD |