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About MobileCoin?

The live price of MobileCoin (MOB) today is 0.591678 USD, and with the current circulating supply of MobileCoin at 199,037,308 MOB, its market capitalization stands at 117,765,954 USD. In the last 24 hours MOB price has moved 0.065066 USD or 0.14% while 112,274 USD worth of MOB has been traded on various exchanges. The current valuation of MOB puts it at #277 in cryptocurrency rankings based on market capitalization.

Learn more about the MobileCoin blockchain network and how it works or follow the price of its native cryptocurrency MOB and the broader market with our unique COIN360 cryptocurrency heatmap.


MobileCoin (MOB) is a cryptocurrency designed to be used as digital cash on your phone. It aims to provide fast, secure, and privacy-preserving transactions. MobileCoin's design allows it to be deployed in environments that require rapid transaction confirmation, and it is optimized for mobile devices.

Technology & Mechanism

MobileCoin operates on a unique technological foundation that sets it apart from many other cryptocurrencies.

Consensus Mechanism

MobileCoin uses the Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP), a federated byzantine agreement system that provides speed and security. SCP allows for fast transaction times, making MobileCoin suitable for point-of-sale transactions.

Blockchain Technology

MobileCoin operates on its own blockchain, which is designed to be lightweight and efficient, making it ideal for mobile devices. The blockchain uses a minimalistic design to ensure privacy and speed.

Key Features

MobileCoin offers several key features that make it stand out in the crowded cryptocurrency market.


MobileCoin is designed to scale and handle a high volume of transactions, making it suitable for widespread adoption.


MobileCoin uses forward-secrecy protocols to ensure that transactions are secure and private. This means that even if a user's keys are compromised, past transactions remain secure.


MobileCoin is designed with privacy in mind. The use of ring signatures and stealth addresses helps to keep transactions private and untraceable.


MobileCoin is a decentralized cryptocurrency, meaning that no single entity controls the network. This ensures that the system is fair and transparent.

Development Team & Governance

MobileCoin was founded by Joshua Goldbard and Signal creator Moxie Marlinspike. The project is governed by the MobileCoin Foundation, a non-profit organization.

Use Cases & Potential Impact

MobileCoin is designed to be used as digital cash on mobile devices, making it ideal for everyday transactions. It could potentially disrupt the mobile payments industry by providing a secure, private, and decentralized alternative to traditional payment methods.

Purchase & Storage

How to Buy

MobileCoin can be purchased on several exchanges, including FTX and Bitfinex. Users can buy MOB with other cryptocurrencies or with fiat currencies on these exchanges.

Wallets & Storage

MobileCoin can be stored in the official MobileCoin wallet, which is available for download on the MobileCoin website. The wallet is designed to be user-friendly and secure.

Partnerships & Collaborations

MobileCoin has partnered with Signal, a popular encrypted messaging app. Signal has integrated MobileCoin into its platform, allowing users to send and receive MOB within the app.


MobileCoin's future plans include further improving the scalability and efficiency of its network, as well as expanding its partnerships and integrations.

Risks & Challenges

Like all cryptocurrencies, MobileCoin faces challenges such as regulatory scrutiny and market volatility. However, its focus on privacy and security could help it navigate these challenges.

Community & Regulatory Compliance


MobileCoin has a vibrant community of users and developers who contribute to the project and support its growth.

Regulatory Compliance

MobileCoin is committed to complying with all relevant regulations and has taken steps to ensure its network is resistant to abuse.

In conclusion, MobileCoin is a promising cryptocurrency that offers fast, secure, and private transactions. Its unique features and strong partnerships make it a project worth watching in the cryptocurrency space.

MobileCoin Price0.591678 USD
Market Rank#277
Market Cap117,765,954 USD
24h Volume620,044 USD
Circulating Supply199,037,308 MOB
Max SupplyNo data
Yesterday's Market Cap107,026,032 USD
Yesterday's Open / Close0.472652 USD / 0.537718 USD
Yesterday's High / Low0.537718 USD / 0.472632 USD
Yesterday's Change
0.14% ( 0.065066 USD )
Yesterday's Volume112,274.15 USD
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