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MX Token(MX)

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0.00006850 BTC
Market Cap (Rank#144)
6,692 BTC
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306.816 BTC
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About MX Token?

The live price of MX Token (MX) today is 3.7153 USD, and with the current circulating supply of MX Token at 97,699,334 MX, its market capitalization stands at 362,985,631 USD. In the last 24 hours MX price has moved -0.0563 USD or -0.02% while 17,660,730 USD worth of MX has been traded on various exchanges. The current valuation of MX puts it at #144 in cryptocurrency rankings based on market capitalization.

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MX Token (MX) is a digital asset issued by the MXC Exchange, a leading cryptocurrency trading platform. MX Token is designed to serve as the backbone of the MXC ecosystem, providing users with a variety of benefits and incentives. The token is built on the Ethereum blockchain, leveraging its robust and secure infrastructure.

Technology & Mechanism

Consensus Mechanism

MX Token operates on the Ethereum blockchain, which uses a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. This mechanism is energy-efficient and provides a high level of security.

Blockchain Technology

MX Token is an ERC-20 token, meaning it is built on the Ethereum blockchain. This allows it to benefit from Ethereum's smart contract functionality and robust developer community.

Key Features


As an ERC-20 token, MX Token benefits from the scalability of the Ethereum network, which is constantly being improved and upgraded.


MX Token leverages the security of the Ethereum blockchain, which is secured by a large network of nodes and a strong cryptographic system.


While transactions on the Ethereum network are transparent, users can maintain privacy by using different addresses.


MX Token is part of a decentralized ecosystem, with the MXC Exchange operating as a decentralized entity.

Development Team & Governance

The MX Token project is spearheaded by the MXC team, a group of experienced professionals in the blockchain and financial industries. The governance of the token is handled by the MXC Exchange.

Use Cases & Potential Impact

MX Token is primarily used within the MXC Exchange for fee discounts, voting rights, and access to premium services. It has the potential to disrupt traditional financial systems by providing a decentralized alternative.

Purchase & Storage

How to Buy

MX Token can be purchased on the MXC Exchange and other major cryptocurrency exchanges. It can be bought with other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum.

Wallets & Storage

As an ERC-20 token, MX Token can be stored in any wallet that supports Ethereum, including hardware wallets, software wallets, and web wallets.

Partnerships & Collaborations

MX Token has formed partnerships with various blockchain projects and companies, further expanding its ecosystem and use cases.


The MX Token project has a clear roadmap, with plans to further integrate the token into the MXC Exchange and develop more use cases for the token.

Risks & Challenges

Like all cryptocurrencies, MX Token faces potential risks and challenges, including regulatory changes, market volatility, and technological issues.

Community & Regulatory Compliance


MX Token has a strong community of users and supporters, many of whom are active in the MXC Exchange community.

Regulatory Compliance

MX Token complies with all relevant regulations and laws, and the MXC Exchange is committed to maintaining high standards of compliance and transparency.

In conclusion, MX Token is a promising digital asset that plays a crucial role in the MXC Exchange ecosystem. With its strong technological foundation, clear use cases, and active community, MX Token is well-positioned for future growth and development.

MX Token Price3.7153 USD
Market Rank#144
Market Cap362,985,631 USD
24h Volume16,641,048 USD
Circulating Supply97,699,334 MX
Max Supply1,000,000,000 MX
Yesterday's Market Cap355,836,256 USD
Yesterday's Open / Close3.6985 USD / 3.6422 USD
Yesterday's High / Low3.7343 USD / 3.6352 USD
Yesterday's Change
-0.02% ( 0.0563 USD )
Yesterday's Volume17,660,730 USD
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