The live price of MyNeighborAlice (ALICE) today is 1.0962 USD, and with the current circulating supply of MyNeighborAlice at 67,913,333 ALICE, its market capitalization stands at 74,446,624 USD. In the last 24 hours ALICE price has moved 0.0638 USD or 0.06% while 2,768,644 USD worth of ALICE has been traded on various
exchanges. The current valuation of ALICE puts it at #514 in cryptocurrency rankings based on market capitalization.
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MyNeighborAlice is a groundbreaking multiplayer builder game that draws inspiration from popular titles like Animal Crossing, Minecraft, Stardew Valley, and Pettson och Findus. With its innovative use of blockchain technology, MyNeighborAlice aims to attract a diverse gaming community and disrupt the traditional gaming market. The game introduces exciting features and has the potential to attract millions of players, offering a unique and immersive gaming experience.
Technology & Mechanism
Consensus Mechanism
MyNeighborAlice utilizes a consensus mechanism that ensures the integrity and security of the game. The specific consensus mechanism employed by the game is not explicitly mentioned in the available information.
Blockchain Technology
MyNeighborAlice operates on the Chromia blockchain as its backend infrastructure, with Unity serving as the client. This combination of technologies provides a robust and scalable foundation for the game, enabling seamless gameplay and interactions for players.
Key Features
One of the key features of MyNeighborAlice is its scalability. The game is designed to handle a large number of players simultaneously, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable gaming experience for all participants.
MyNeighborAlice prioritizes the security of its players' assets and data. By leveraging blockchain technology, the game provides a secure environment where players can confidently engage in various activities without worrying about the risk of fraud or unauthorized access.
Respecting the privacy of its players is of utmost importance to MyNeighborAlice. The game implements privacy measures to protect user information and ensure that players have control over their personal data.
MyNeighborAlice embraces the principles of decentralization, allowing players to have control over the game and its development. The game's governance model is based on a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), ensuring that decisions are made collectively by the community.
Development Team & Governance
MyNeighborAlice is developed by Antler Interactive, a team dedicated to creating innovative and immersive gaming experiences. The project emphasizes community control and governance through its decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), enabling players to actively participate in shaping the future of the game.
Use Cases & Potential Impact
MyNeighborAlice targets a wide range of players, primarily aged 18 to 39, with a user base consisting of 60% female and 40% male players. By catering to a diverse audience, the game has the potential to disrupt the traditional gaming market and attract millions of players worldwide. With its unique blend of gameplay elements and blockchain features, MyNeighborAlice offers a fresh and engaging experience that appeals to a wide range of tastes and lifestyles.
Purchase & Storage
How to Buy
The native currency in MyNeighborAlice is the ALICE token. To acquire ALICE tokens, interested individuals can visit supported cryptocurrency exchanges where the token is listed. Details about specific exchanges are not available at the moment.
Wallets & Storage
Once users have acquired ALICE tokens, they can store them in compatible wallets that support the Chromia blockchain. These wallets provide a secure and convenient way to manage and store ALICE tokens, ensuring that players have full control over their assets.
Partnerships & Collaborations
MyNeighborAlice is supported by Chromia and ChromaWay, two prominent players in the blockchain industry. These partnerships provide valuable expertise and resources to the project, enhancing its potential for success. Additionally, the game's forum, which includes moderation and voting features, is utilized by other projects such as the Hedget DeFi application, further expanding its reach and impact.
MyNeighborAlice has ambitious plans for the future, including further development, funding, and commercial success. The project aims to enhance the game's features, expand its user base, and establish partnerships with other gaming-focused platforms. Additionally, the development team is focused on the continuous improvement of the game's governance model, ensuring that players have a meaningful say in the game's evolution.
Risks & Challenges
Like any innovative project, MyNeighborAlice faces certain risks and challenges. These include blockchain scalability, user adoption, and integration with existing gaming platforms. However, the team behind MyNeighborAlice is committed to addressing these challenges and finding solutions that will drive the project's success.
Community & Regulatory Compliance
MyNeighborAlice has a vibrant and engaged community of players who actively contribute to the game's development and growth. The project emphasizes community control and governance, ensuring that players have a voice in shaping the future of the game.
Regulatory Compliance
MyNeighborAlice aims to comply with legal and regulatory requirements, ensuring that the project operates within the bounds of the law. The team is committed to onboarding non-cryptocurrency users through platforms like Steam, making the game accessible to a wider audience.
In conclusion, MyNeighborAlice is an innovative multiplayer builder game that combines the best elements of popular titles with the power of blockchain technology. With its democratic governance model, diverse player base, and potential for significant revenues, MyNeighborAlice has the potential to revolutionize the gaming industry. By offering a unique and immersive gaming experience, the project aims to attract millions of players and disrupt the traditional gaming market. With a dedicated development team, strong partnerships, and a roadmap for future growth, MyNeighborAlice is poised to make a lasting impact in the gaming world.