The live price of Numeraire (NMR) today is 14.3512 USD, and with the current circulating supply of Numeraire at 7,322,849.77 NMR, its market capitalization stands at 105,092,026 USD. In the last 24 hours NMR price has moved 0.995399 USD or 0.07% while 2,451,549 USD worth of NMR has been traded on various exchanges. The current valuation of NMR puts it at #305 in cryptocurrency rankings based on market capitalization.
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Numeraire (NMR) is a unique cryptocurrency that serves as a backbone for a decentralized, crowd-sourced hedge fund. It was developed by Numerai, a San Francisco-based hedge fund, to incentivize data scientists to create predictive models. The main goal of Numeraire is to create a synergistic network where everyone can contribute to making the financial market more efficient.
Numeraire operates on the Ethereum blockchain, utilizing the Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. This mechanism allows for faster transaction times and increased scalability compared to traditional Proof-of-Work systems.
As an ERC-20 token, Numeraire leverages the robust and secure Ethereum blockchain. This allows for seamless integration with other Ethereum-based applications and services.
Thanks to the Ethereum blockchain and PoS consensus mechanism, Numeraire offers high scalability, allowing for a large number of transactions to be processed quickly.
Numeraire benefits from the security features of the Ethereum blockchain, which is considered one of the most secure blockchain platforms.
While transactions are transparent on the blockchain, the identity of participants remains anonymous, ensuring privacy.
Numeraire is fully decentralized, with no central authority controlling the network. This ensures fairness and transparency in the system.
The Numeraire project is spearheaded by Numerai, a hedge fund based in San Francisco. The governance model is decentralized, with decisions made by the community of NMR holders.
Numeraire's primary use case is to incentivize data scientists to contribute to the development of financial models. This could potentially disrupt the traditional hedge fund industry by democratizing access and participation.
Numeraire can be purchased on various cryptocurrency exchanges, including Binance and Coinbase. It can be traded for other cryptocurrencies or bought directly with fiat currencies on some platforms.
As an ERC-20 token, Numeraire can be stored in any wallet that supports Ethereum-based tokens, such as MetaMask or MyEtherWallet.
Numeraire has collaborated with various organizations in the blockchain and financial sectors to further its mission. Details of these partnerships can be found on the official Numerai website.
The future plans for Numeraire include further development of the platform, increasing the number of data scientists contributing to the network, and expanding partnerships.
Like any cryptocurrency, Numeraire faces potential risks and challenges, including regulatory changes, market volatility, and technological hurdles.
The Numeraire community consists of data scientists, developers, and cryptocurrency enthusiasts who contribute to the network and participate in governance.
Numeraire complies with all relevant regulations in the jurisdictions it operates in. It is committed to maintaining transparency and adhering to legal requirements.
In conclusion, Numeraire is a unique cryptocurrency that leverages the power of crowd-sourcing and blockchain technology to disrupt the traditional hedge fund industry. With its robust technology, strong community, and innovative use case, it holds significant potential for future growth.
Numeraire Price | 14.3512 USD |
Market Rank | #305 |
Market Cap | 105,092,026 USD |
24h Volume | 3,106,387 USD |
Circulating Supply | 7,322,849.77 NMR |
Max Supply | 11,000,000 NMR |
Yesterday's Market Cap | 104,787,256 USD |
Yesterday's Open / Close | 13.3142 USD / 14.3096 USD |
Yesterday's High / Low | 14.5022 USD / 13.2932 USD |
Yesterday's Change | 0.07% ( 0.995399 USD ) |
Yesterday's Volume | 2,451,549.25 USD |