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Oasis Network(ROSE)

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0.00000095 BTC
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6,702 BTC
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About Oasis Network?

The live price of Oasis Network (ROSE) today is 0.054685 USD, and with the current circulating supply of Oasis Network at 7,064,132,681 ROSE, its market capitalization stands at 386,300,047 USD. In the last 24 hours ROSE price has moved 0.002243 USD or 0.04% while 8,410,929 USD worth of ROSE has been traded on various exchanges. The current valuation of ROSE puts it at #143 in cryptocurrency rankings based on market capitalization.

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Oasis Network (ROSE) is a privacy-enabled blockchain platform designed to revolutionize the way data is used, shared, and monetized. It aims to create a responsible data economy where users have control over their data while businesses can utilize it in a privacy-preserving and compliant manner. Oasis Network's unique architecture combines high-performance blockchain technology with robust privacy protections, making it a standout in the crypto landscape.

Technology & Mechanism

Consensus Mechanism

Oasis Network employs a unique consensus mechanism known as the ParaTime architecture. This allows multiple parallel runtimes, each with its own consensus mechanism, to operate on the same network, enhancing scalability and versatility.

Blockchain Technology

Oasis Network operates on a unique two-layer blockchain structure, consisting of a Consensus Layer and a ParaTime Layer. This design allows for high scalability and flexibility, enabling the network to support a wide range of applications and use cases.

Key Features


Oasis Network's unique architecture allows it to process transactions quickly and efficiently, making it highly scalable and capable of supporting a large number of users and applications.


Oasis Network prioritizes security, employing advanced cryptographic techniques to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of data.


One of Oasis Network's standout features is its robust privacy protections. It allows users to control their data and ensures that it is used in a privacy-preserving and compliant manner.


Oasis Network is a decentralized platform, with no single entity having control over the network. This ensures fairness and transparency in all transactions and interactions on the network.

Development Team & Governance

Oasis Network is developed and maintained by Oasis Labs, a team of leading researchers and engineers in the field of blockchain and privacy technologies. The network operates on a decentralized governance model, with decisions made by the community of ROSE token holders.

Use Cases & Potential Impact

Oasis Network has a wide range of potential use cases, from decentralized finance (DeFi) and data tokenization to privacy-preserving machine learning and healthcare applications. Its unique combination of scalability, privacy, and control over data could disrupt numerous industries and markets.

Purchase & Storage

How to Buy

ROSE, the native token of Oasis Network, can be purchased on several major cryptocurrency exchanges, including Binance and KuCoin. Users can trade Bitcoin, Ethereum, or other cryptocurrencies for ROSE.

Wallets & Storage

ROSE can be stored in a variety of wallets that support the Oasis Network, including Ledger and Oasis Wallet, ensuring secure storage of your tokens.

Partnerships & Collaborations

Oasis Network has partnered with several leading organizations and projects in the blockchain space, including Chainlink, Balancer, and Meter, further enhancing its capabilities and reach.


Oasis Network has a comprehensive roadmap outlining its future plans and objectives. These include further enhancing its privacy features, expanding its ecosystem, and developing new use cases for its technology.

Risks & Challenges

Like any blockchain project, Oasis Network faces potential risks and challenges, including regulatory uncertainties, technological hurdles, and competition from other projects. However, its unique features and strong team position it well to overcome these challenges.

Community & Regulatory Compliance


Oasis Network has a vibrant and active community of users, developers, and supporters, contributing to its growth and development.

Regulatory Compliance

Oasis Network is committed to complying with all relevant regulations and laws, ensuring its operations are legal and transparent.

In conclusion, Oasis Network is a groundbreaking blockchain platform that combines scalability, privacy, and control over data in a unique way. Its innovative technology and wide range of potential use cases make it a promising project in the crypto space.

Oasis Network Price0.054685 USD
Market Rank#143
Market Cap386,300,047 USD
24h Volume10,605,902 USD
Circulating Supply7,064,132,681 ROSE
Max Supply10,000,000,000 ROSE
Yesterday's Market Cap394,308,640 USD
Yesterday's Open / Close0.053575 USD / 0.055818 USD
Yesterday's High / Low0.056659 USD / 0.053086 USD
Yesterday's Change
0.04% ( 0.002243 USD )
Yesterday's Volume8,410,929 USD
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