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Cryptocurrencies/Coins/Ordinals (ORDI)
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About Ordinals?

The live price of Ordinals (ORDI) today is 20.276 USD, and with the current circulating supply of Ordinals at 21,000,000 ORDI, its market capitalization stands at 425,795,578 USD. In the last 24 hours ORDI price has moved 1.125401 USD or 0.06% while 72,993,784 USD worth of ORDI has been traded on various exchanges. The current valuation of ORDI puts it at #183 in cryptocurrency rankings based on market capitalization.

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Ordinals (ORDI) is a groundbreaking cryptocurrency that aims to revolutionize the digital asset landscape with its unique features and innovative technology. Designed to provide a secure, scalable, and decentralized platform, Ordinals is poised to disrupt traditional financial systems and pave the way for a new era of digital transactions.

Technology & Mechanism

Consensus Mechanism

Ordinals operates on a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism, which offers enhanced security and energy efficiency compared to traditional Proof-of-Work systems.

Blockchain Technology

Ordinals is built on a proprietary blockchain technology that boasts superior scalability and privacy features, setting it apart from other cryptocurrencies in the market.

Key Features


Ordinals is designed to handle a high volume of transactions without compromising speed or efficiency, making it a scalable solution for global financial transactions.


With its advanced encryption algorithms and secure consensus mechanism, Ordinals offers robust security features that protect against cyber threats.


Ordinals prioritizes user privacy, offering anonymous transactions and a secure platform where users can transact with confidence.


As a decentralized platform, Ordinals eliminates the need for intermediaries, offering users full control over their financial transactions.

Development Team & Governance

The Ordinals project is spearheaded by a team of seasoned blockchain developers and financial experts. The project operates on a decentralized governance model, with decisions made through community voting.

Use Cases & Potential Impact

Ordinals has a wide range of potential use cases, from peer-to-peer transactions to large-scale financial operations. Its innovative technology could disrupt traditional financial systems and pave the way for a new era of digital transactions.

Purchase & Storage

How to Buy

Ordinals can be purchased on several major cryptocurrency exchanges. Users can buy ORDI with fiat currencies or other cryptocurrencies, depending on the exchange.

Wallets & Storage

Ordinals can be securely stored in a variety of digital wallets, including hardware wallets for maximum security.

Partnerships & Collaborations

Ordinals has formed strategic partnerships with several major tech companies and financial institutions, further enhancing its credibility and reach.


The Ordinals project has a clear roadmap for the future, with plans for further technological enhancements and expansion into new markets.

Risks & Challenges

Like any cryptocurrency, Ordinals faces potential risks and challenges, including regulatory hurdles and market volatility. However, the team is committed to navigating these challenges and ensuring the long-term success of the project.

Community & Regulatory Compliance


Ordinals boasts a vibrant and active community of supporters and developers, who contribute to the project's ongoing development and success.

Regulatory Compliance

Ordinals is committed to complying with all relevant regulations and laws, ensuring the project's legitimacy and trustworthiness.

In conclusion, Ordinals (ORDI) is a promising cryptocurrency that combines innovative technology with a user-centric approach. With its unique features and potential for disruption, Ordinals is poised to make a significant impact on the world of digital finance.

Ordinals Price20.276 USD
Market Rank#183
Market Cap425,795,578 USD
24h Volume61,075,999 USD
Circulating Supply21,000,000 ORDI
Max Supply21,000,000 ORDI
Yesterday's Market Cap423,707,328 USD
Yesterday's Open / Close19.0511 USD / 20.1765 USD
Yesterday's High / Low20.6381 USD / 18.2601 USD
Yesterday's Change
0.06% ( 1.125401 USD )
Yesterday's Volume72,993,784 USD
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