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About Osmosis?

The live price of Osmosis (OSMO) today is 0.514811 USD, and with the current circulating supply of Osmosis at 683,373,777.12 OSMO, its market capitalization stands at 351,808,163 USD. In the last 24 hours OSMO price has moved 0.020599 USD or 0.04% while 4,511,759 USD worth of OSMO has been traded on various exchanges. The current valuation of OSMO puts it at #160 in cryptocurrency rankings based on market capitalization.

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Osmosis (OSMO) is a groundbreaking, first-of-its-kind, automated market maker (AMM) protocol built specifically for the Cosmos ecosystem. It is designed to offer a seamless and efficient platform for swapping tokens across different blockchains. Osmosis is unique in its approach to liquidity provision and offers a high degree of customization for liquidity providers.

Technology & Mechanism

Osmosis operates on a unique technological foundation that sets it apart from other AMMs.

Consensus Mechanism

Osmosis uses the Tendermint consensus mechanism, a Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) consensus algorithm that allows for high performance and secure blockchain operation.

Blockchain Technology

Osmosis operates on the Cosmos SDK, a framework for building blockchain applications in Golang. It leverages the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol, enabling the exchange of assets between different blockchains in the Cosmos ecosystem.

Key Features

Osmosis offers several key features that make it a standout AMM.


Thanks to the Cosmos SDK and IBC, Osmosis offers high scalability, allowing for the efficient processing of transactions across multiple blockchains.


Osmosis prioritizes security, with the Tendermint consensus mechanism providing robust protection against double-spending and other forms of attacks.


While Osmosis does not inherently offer privacy features, transactions are pseudonymous, and users can take additional steps to protect their privacy.


Osmosis is a fully decentralized protocol, with governance decisions made by OSMO token holders.

Development Team & Governance

Osmosis was developed by a team of experienced blockchain developers and is governed by a decentralized community of OSMO token holders.

Use Cases & Potential Impact

Osmosis has the potential to revolutionize the way assets are exchanged across different blockchains, opening up new possibilities for decentralized finance (DeFi) applications.

Purchase & Storage

How to Buy

OSMO tokens can be purchased on several exchanges, including Osmosis's own AMM platform.

Wallets & Storage

OSMO tokens can be securely stored in any wallet that supports Cosmos-based tokens.

Partnerships & Collaborations

Osmosis has partnered with several projects in the Cosmos ecosystem to further enhance its capabilities.


The Osmosis team has a clear roadmap for the future, with plans to introduce more features and enhancements to the protocol.

Risks & Challenges

Like any blockchain project, Osmosis faces potential risks and challenges, including regulatory hurdles and technological obstacles.

Community & Regulatory Compliance


Osmosis has a vibrant and active community of users and developers who contribute to the project's growth and development.

Regulatory Compliance

Osmosis is committed to complying with all relevant regulations and has taken steps to ensure its operations are fully compliant.

In conclusion, Osmosis is a pioneering AMM protocol that offers a unique approach to liquidity provision and cross-chain asset swaps. With its robust technology and clear vision for the future, Osmosis has the potential to play a significant role in the evolution of DeFi.

Osmosis Price0.514811 USD
Market Rank#160
Market Cap351,808,163 USD
24h Volume4,898,806 USD
Circulating Supply683,373,777.12 OSMO
Max Supply1,000,000,000 OSMO
Yesterday's Market Cap336,218,048 USD
Yesterday's Open / Close0.471398 USD / 0.491997 USD
Yesterday's High / Low0.491997 USD / 0.453413 USD
Yesterday's Change
0.04% ( 0.020599 USD )
Yesterday's Volume4,511,758.50 USD
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