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Cryptocurrencies/Coins/PancakeSwap (CAKE)
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About PancakeSwap?

The live price of PancakeSwap (CAKE) today is 3.1362 USD, and with the current circulating supply of PancakeSwap at 285,988,943.58 CAKE, its market capitalization stands at 896,907,690 USD. In the last 24 hours CAKE price has moved 0.1878 USD or 0.06% while 65,503,452 USD worth of CAKE has been traded on various exchanges. The current valuation of CAKE puts it at #129 in cryptocurrency rankings based on market capitalization.

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PancakeSwap is an automated market maker — a decentralized finance (DeFi) application that allows users to exchange tokens, providing liquidity via farming and earning fees in return. It launched in September 2020 and is a decentralized exchange for swapping BEP20 tokens on Binance Smart Chain. PancakeSwap uses an automated market maker model where users trade against a liquidity pool. These pools are filled by users who deposit their funds into the pool and receive liquidity provider (LP) tokens in return. These tokens can later be used to reclaim their share of the pool, as well as a portion of the trading fees. These LP tokens are known as FLIP. PancakeSwap also allows users to farm additional tokens such as CAKE and SYRUP. On the farm, users can deposit LP tokens and get rewarded with CAKE. PancakeSwap allows users to trade BEP20 tokens, provide liquidity to the exchange and earn fees, stake LP tokens to earn CAKE, stake CAKE to earn more CAKE and stake CAKE to earn tokens of other projects.

PancakeSwap Price3.1362 USD
Market Rank#129
Market Cap896,907,690 USD
24h Volume75,652,491 USD
Circulating Supply285,988,943.58 CAKE
Max Supply450,000,000 CAKE
Yesterday's Market Cap921,554,432 USD
Yesterday's Open / Close3.0359 USD / 3.2237 USD
Yesterday's High / Low3.2255 USD / 2.8585 USD
Yesterday's Change
0.06% ( 0.1878 USD )
Yesterday's Volume65,503,452 USD
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