The live price of Pundi X (New) (PUNDIX) today is 0.381895 USD, and with the current circulating supply of Pundi X (New) at 258,491,637.23 PUNDIX, its market capitalization stands at 98,716,740 USD. In the last 24 hours PUNDIX price has moved 0.013429 USD or 0.04% while 1,618,821 USD worth of PUNDIX has been traded on various exchanges. The current valuation of PUNDIX puts it at #327 in cryptocurrency rankings based on market capitalization.
Learn more about the Pundi X (New) blockchain network and how it works or follow the price of its native cryptocurrency PUNDIX and the broader market with our unique COIN360 cryptocurrency heatmap.
Pundi X (New) (PUNDIX) is a revolutionary blockchain-based platform designed to simplify cryptocurrency transactions for users and merchants alike. The project aims to bring digital currencies to mainstream adoption by integrating them into retail businesses, allowing for seamless crypto payments.
Pundi X (New) operates on a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism, which is energy-efficient and promotes decentralization.
Pundi X (New) utilizes the Ethereum blockchain, known for its robustness and security. The platform also features its unique XPOS devices, which facilitate crypto transactions in physical stores.
Pundi X (New) is highly scalable, capable of supporting a large number of transactions simultaneously, thanks to its PoS consensus mechanism.
Security is a top priority for Pundi X (New), with the Ethereum blockchain providing a secure foundation for transactions.
Pundi X (New) respects user privacy, ensuring that transaction details remain confidential and secure.
As a blockchain-based platform, Pundi X (New) is inherently decentralized, promoting fairness and transparency.
The Pundi X (New) project is spearheaded by a team of experienced professionals in the blockchain and fintech industries. The project operates on a decentralized governance model, with decisions made collectively by the community.
Pundi X (New) has the potential to revolutionize the retail industry by integrating cryptocurrency payments into everyday transactions. This could significantly enhance the adoption and usability of digital currencies.
Pundi X (New) can be purchased on various cryptocurrency exchanges, including Binance and Huobi. Users can trade Bitcoin or Ethereum for PUNDIX.
PUNDIX can be stored in any wallet that supports ERC-20 tokens, such as MetaMask or MyEtherWallet.
Pundi X (New) has partnered with various organizations to promote the adoption of its platform. These include partnerships with retail businesses and payment processors.
The Pundi X (New) project has a comprehensive roadmap, with plans to expand its network of XPOS devices and integrate more cryptocurrencies into its platform.
While Pundi X (New) has significant potential, it also faces challenges, such as regulatory hurdles and competition from other payment platforms. However, the team is committed to overcoming these obstacles and driving the project forward.
Pundi X (New) has a vibrant and active community of supporters and developers, contributing to the project's growth and development.
Pundi X (New) is committed to complying with all relevant regulations, ensuring the legality and safety of its operations.
In conclusion, Pundi X (New) is a promising project that aims to bring cryptocurrency to the mainstream. With its innovative technology and dedicated team, it has the potential to significantly impact the retail and payment industries.
Pundi X (New) Price | 0.381895 USD |
Market Rank | #327 |
Market Cap | 98,716,740 USD |
24h Volume | 1,707,372 USD |
Circulating Supply | 258,491,637.23 PUNDIX |
Max Supply | 258,526,640 PUNDIX |
Yesterday's Market Cap | 97,573,176 USD |
Yesterday's Open / Close | 0.364042 USD / 0.377471 USD |
Yesterday's High / Low | 0.377993 USD / 0.363241 USD |
Yesterday's Change | 0.04% ( 0.013429 USD ) |
Yesterday's Volume | 1,618,820.63 USD |