The live price of Ragscoin (RAGSCOIN) today is 0.009984 USD, and with the current circulating supply of Ragscoin at ? RAGSCOIN, its market capitalization stands at ? USD. In the last 24 hours RAGSCOIN price has moved -0.000005 USD or -0.00% while 18.9325 USD worth of RAGSCOIN has been traded on various exchanges. The current valuation of RAGSCOIN puts it at #5110 in cryptocurrency rankings based on market capitalization.
Learn more about the Ragscoin blockchain network and how it works or follow the price of its native cryptocurrency RAGSCOIN and the broader market with our unique COIN360 cryptocurrency heatmap.
Ragscoin presents itself as a social and technological infrastructure aiming to empower organizations with effective utility usage and informed decision-making in today's unpredictable economic climate.
At its core, Ragscoin seeks to establish itself as the leading hybrid coin, offering holders a unique asset backed by a reserve fund designed to both stabilize its price and fuel potential growth through fee generation. This hybrid intelligence infrastructure leverages the combined expertise of financial analysts and machine learning models to manage investor capital effectively across traditional and crypto markets.
By merging collective intelligence with advanced algorithms, Ragscoin builds a robust predictive analytics engine, enabling communities and ecosystems to manage their capital efficiently and confidently, either independently or under the guidance of licensed managers.
Ragscoin is a cryptocurrency project launched in August 2021 with an initial exchange offering (IEO). Its roadmap outlines several ambitious milestones, including the upcoming launch of an e-commerce platform interface in April 2024, followed by a Multichain system in March 2025, and a groundbreaking Hybrid Intelligence-Based Exchange in March 2027.
Ragscoin announced plans in February 2023 to launch an exchange portal for users to migrate their Ragscoin 1.0 tokens to Ragscoin 2.0 sometime after May.
Built on BNB Smart Chain, Ragscoin leverages a hybrid intelligence infrastructure to empower communities and ecosystems with efficient and secure capital management. By blending the insights of financial analysts with the power of machine learning models, it delivers predictive analytics that inform investment decisions without risking personal funds, even in volatile market conditions.
Hybrid Intelligence is the combination of human intelligence and machine learning, enhancing decision-making in financial markets. Ragscoin utilizes this by integrating financial analysts' expertise with machine learning models, enabling efficient and safe management of capital in both traditional and crypto markets.
Ragscoin's ecosystem leverages Collective Intelligence for risk management and decision-making. This approach utilizes diverse insights from a decentralized group of analysts, ensuring more accurate and unbiased predictions in the financial markets, which is crucial for effective asset management.
Ragscoin's economic model includes a dynamic motivational Listed Coins pool for rewarding accurate forecasts, an infrastructure for efficient utilization of technology by investment funds, and a decentralized ecosystem where token holders can access Rags indicators, data, and analytical products. This model aims to establish transparent and fair relations among all ecosystem participants.
Ragscoin Price | 0.009984 USD |
Market Rank | #5110 |
Market Cap | ? USD |
24h Volume | 18.905 USD |
Circulating Supply | ? RAGSCOIN |
Max Supply | No data |
Yesterday's Market Cap | ? USD |
Yesterday's Open / Close | 0.010003 USD / 0.009998 USD |
Yesterday's High / Low | 0.010026 USD / 0.009995 USD |
Yesterday's Change | 0.00% ( 0.000005 USD ) |
Yesterday's Volume | 18.9325 USD |