The live price of Secret (SCRT) today is 0.561354 USD, and with the current circulating supply of Secret at 296,935,047.35 SCRT, its market capitalization stands at 166,685,659 USD. In the last 24 hours SCRT price has moved 0.002534 USD or 0.00% while 17,264,976 USD worth of SCRT has been traded on various exchanges. The current valuation of SCRT puts it at #345 in cryptocurrency rankings based on market capitalization.
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Secret (SCRT) is a unique cryptocurrency that stands out in the blockchain space due to its focus on privacy and programmability. It is the native coin of the Secret Network, a blockchain protocol that allows data privacy for smart contracts, providing a new level of security and protection for users.
Secret Network uses a consensus mechanism known as Cosmos Tendermint, a Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) consensus algorithm. This mechanism ensures high transaction speed and network security.
Secret Network operates on its own blockchain technology, which is designed to handle private smart contracts, also known as "secret contracts". These contracts allow encrypted data to be processed in a decentralized manner, without revealing it to network validators.
With the Cosmos Tendermint consensus, Secret Network can process a large number of transactions quickly, making it highly scalable.
Secret Network provides enhanced security by encrypting all data involved in transactions, ensuring that sensitive information is not exposed.
Privacy is a core feature of Secret. It is the first blockchain to support encrypted inputs, outputs, and state for smart contracts, ensuring user data privacy.
Secret Network is fully decentralized, with no central authority controlling the network. This ensures that the network remains secure and democratic.
The Secret Network is developed and maintained by Enigma, a blockchain development company. The network operates on a governance model where SCRT holders can vote on proposals and changes to the network.
Secret has a wide range of potential use cases, including decentralized finance (DeFi), secure voting systems, and private auctions. Its privacy features could disrupt industries that require high levels of data security and privacy.
Secret (SCRT) can be purchased on several cryptocurrency exchanges, including Binance and Kraken. Users can trade Bitcoin or Ethereum for SCRT.
SCRT can be stored in any wallet that supports Cosmos-based cryptocurrencies. This includes hardware wallets like Ledger and software wallets like Cosmostation.
Secret has partnered with various blockchain projects and companies to enhance its network. These include collaborations with Ocean Protocol and Band Protocol.
The Secret Network has a detailed roadmap that includes plans for further enhancing the privacy features of the network, developing more use cases for secret contracts, and expanding the Secret ecosystem.
Like any cryptocurrency, Secret faces potential risks and challenges. These include regulatory risks, technological challenges, and the need for wider adoption in the blockchain community.
The Secret community is active and growing, with developers, users, and enthusiasts contributing to the network's growth and development.
Secret Network is committed to complying with all relevant regulations and laws, ensuring the legality and safety of its operations.
In conclusion, Secret (SCRT) is a promising cryptocurrency that offers unique privacy features for smart contracts. Its focus on privacy, security, and scalability makes it a potential game-changer in the blockchain space.
Secret Price | 0.561354 USD |
Market Rank | #345 |
Market Cap | 166,685,659 USD |
24h Volume | 19,319,624 USD |
Circulating Supply | 296,935,047.35 SCRT |
Max Supply | No data |
Yesterday's Market Cap | 151,756,928 USD |
Yesterday's Open / Close | 0.508544 USD / 0.511078 USD |
Yesterday's High / Low | 0.544594 USD / 0.498402 USD |
Yesterday's Change | 0.00% ( 0.002534 USD ) |
Yesterday's Volume | 17,264,976 USD |