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Steem Dollars(SBD)

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About Steem Dollars?

The live price of Steem Dollars (SBD) today is 5.5788 USD, and with the current circulating supply of Steem Dollars at 14,006,441.52 SBD, its market capitalization stands at 78,139,184 USD. In the last 24 hours SBD price has moved -0.7072 USD or -0.11% while 15,579 USD worth of SBD has been traded on various exchanges. The current valuation of SBD puts it at #489 in cryptocurrency rankings based on market capitalization.

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Steem Dollars (SBD) is a cryptocurrency that operates on the Steem blockchain, a revolutionary content platform that combines social media and cryptocurrencies. The platform aims to reward social interaction and accurately compensate contributors to its community. Steem Dollars provide a stable cryptocurrency that can be used for various purposes within the Steem ecosystem. In this article, we will explore the technology, key features, potential impact, and other important aspects of Steem Dollars.

Technology & Mechanism

Consensus Mechanism

Steem Dollars operates on a delegated proof-of-stake (DPoS) consensus mechanism. This mechanism allows for fast and efficient block production, ensuring scalability and high transaction throughput. DPoS also enables the Steem blockchain to achieve consensus through a limited number of trusted individuals called witnesses, who are elected by Steem Power (SP) holders.

Blockchain Technology

Steem Dollars utilize the Steem blockchain, which is a decentralized and immutable ledger. The blockchain technology ensures transparency, security, and immutability of transactions. It eliminates the need for intermediaries and enables direct peer-to-peer transactions.

Key Features


The Steem blockchain is designed to process up to 10,000 transactions per second without optimization. This high scalability allows for a seamless user experience and supports the growth of the Steem ecosystem.


Steem Dollars benefit from the robust security provided by the underlying Steem blockchain. The decentralized nature of the blockchain, coupled with cryptographic algorithms, ensures the integrity and immutability of transactions.


While the Steem blockchain provides transparency for public transactions, users have the option to maintain their privacy through pseudonymous accounts. This allows users to participate in the Steem ecosystem while preserving their anonymity if desired.


Steem Dollars are part of a decentralized ecosystem where decisions are made collectively by the community. The governance model involves elected witnesses who publish price feeds and community voting, ensuring that the platform remains decentralized and resistant to censorship.

Development Team & Governance

The Steem Dollars project is led by a dedicated team of developers and community members who are committed to the growth and success of the platform. The governance model involves elected witnesses who play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of the Steem blockchain and ensuring the stability of Steem Dollars.

Use Cases & Potential Impact

Steem Dollars have a wide range of use cases within the Steem ecosystem. They can be used for content creation, curation, and tipping, allowing users to monetize their contributions. Steem Dollars also serve as a stable cryptocurrency that can be used for online transactions, providing a reliable medium of exchange. The potential impact of Steem Dollars lies in disrupting traditional social media and cryptocurrency platforms by aligning economic incentives and empowering users to be rewarded for their contributions.

Purchase & Storage

How to Buy

Steem Dollars can be acquired through various cryptocurrency exchanges that support the trading of SBD. Users can purchase SBD using other cryptocurrencies or fiat currencies, depending on the availability on the exchange.

Wallets & Storage

To securely store Steem Dollars, users can utilize Steem-compatible wallets that provide a safe and convenient way to manage their SBD holdings. These wallets offer features such as private key encryption and backup options to ensure the security of the funds.

Partnerships & Collaborations

Steem Dollars has formed strategic partnerships and collaborations with various organizations and platforms to enhance its ecosystem. These partnerships aim to expand the use cases and adoption of Steem Dollars, creating more opportunities for users to benefit from the platform.


The future plans for Steem Dollars include enhancing economic incentives, addressing barriers to adoption and monetization, and improving the overall user experience. The project aims to continuously innovate and evolve to meet the changing needs of its community.

Risks & Challenges

As with any cryptocurrency project, Steem Dollars face certain risks and challenges. These include the complexity of cryptocurrency adoption, market volatility, content attribution issues, and potential regulatory challenges. However, the project is committed to addressing these challenges and ensuring the sustainability of the Steem ecosystem.

Community & Regulatory Compliance


Steem Dollars have a vibrant and active community of users, developers, and content creators who contribute to the growth and development of the platform. The community plays a crucial role in the governance and decision-making processes of the Steem ecosystem.

Regulatory Compliance

Steem Dollars and the Steem ecosystem strive to comply with relevant legal and regulatory requirements. The project aims to operate within the framework of existing laws and regulations to ensure a compliant and secure environment for its users. In conclusion, Steem Dollars (SBD) offer a unique and innovative approach to combining social media and cryptocurrencies. With its scalable blockchain technology, robust security, and decentralized governance, Steem Dollars aim to disrupt traditional social media platforms and provide users with a fair and rewarding ecosystem. Whether it's content creation, curation, or online transactions, Steem Dollars provide a stable and versatile cryptocurrency that empowers users to be rewarded for their contributions. With a strong community and a roadmap for future development, Steem Dollars are poised to make a significant impact in the world of social media and cryptocurrencies. Note: This description is approximately 600 words.
Steem Dollars Price5.5788 USD
Market Rank#489
Market Cap78,139,184 USD
24h Volume4,933 USD
Circulating Supply14,006,441.52 SBD
Max SupplyNo data
Yesterday's Market Cap81,492,296 USD
Yesterday's Open / Close6.5259 USD / 5.8187 USD
Yesterday's High / Low6.5491 USD / 5.2393 USD
Yesterday's Change
-0.11% ( 0.7072 USD )
Yesterday's Volume15,579.42 USD
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