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VeThor Token(VTHO)

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0.00000003 BTC
Market Cap (Rank#259)
2,530 BTC
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About VeThor Token?

The live price of VeThor Token (VTHO) today is 0.001948 USD, and with the current circulating supply of VeThor Token at 80,723,196,394 VTHO, its market capitalization stands at 157,228,176 USD. In the last 24 hours VTHO price has moved 0.00006 USD or 0.03% while 843,450 USD worth of VTHO has been traded on various exchanges. The current valuation of VTHO puts it at #259 in cryptocurrency rankings based on market capitalization.

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VeThor Token (VTHO) is a unique cryptocurrency that plays a crucial role in the VeChainThor ecosystem. It is designed to underpin the cost of transactions and services on the VeChainThor blockchain, acting as the 'energy' or 'gas' that powers transactions and smart contracts. This dual-token system, comprising VeChain (VET) and VeThor Token (VTHO), is a distinctive feature of the VeChainThor blockchain.

Technology & Mechanism

Consensus Mechanism

VTHO operates on the VeChainThor blockchain, which uses a Proof-of-Authority (PoA) consensus mechanism. This consensus model is characterized by low computational power requirements and enhanced scalability, making it ideal for business and enterprise applications.

Blockchain Technology

The VeChainThor blockchain is a public blockchain designed for mass business adoption. It offers a balance between decentralization and central governance, with built-in features for regulatory compliance and transparency.

Key Features


Thanks to the PoA consensus mechanism, the VeChainThor blockchain, and by extension VTHO, boasts high scalability. This allows for a high volume of transactions to be processed efficiently.


The VeChainThor blockchain employs various security measures to ensure the safety of transactions and data. These include built-in disaster recovery, hardware-based random number generation, and KYC compliance procedures.


While the VeChainThor blockchain is public, it offers features for transaction confidentiality, ensuring that sensitive business data remains private.


Despite its focus on enterprise adoption, the VeChainThor blockchain maintains a degree of decentralization. This is achieved through the use of Authority Masternodes, which are selected based on their contribution to the network and must meet strict KYC and financial requirements.

Development Team & Governance

The VeChain Foundation, a non-profit entity established in Singapore, oversees the development and governance of the VeChainThor blockchain and VTHO. The foundation is committed to transparency and operates under a robust governance structure that includes a Steering Committee.

Use Cases & Potential Impact

VTHO has a wide range of potential use cases, primarily as the 'gas' for transactions and smart contracts on the VeChainThor blockchain. This could have a significant impact on industries such as supply chain management, logistics, and IoT, where blockchain technology can provide transparency, traceability, and efficiency.

Purchase & Storage

How to Buy

VTHO can be purchased on various cryptocurrency exchanges, including Binance and Bitfinex. It can also be generated by holding VET in a compatible wallet.

Wallets & Storage

VTHO can be stored in any wallet that supports the VeChainThor blockchain, including the official VeChainThor Wallet and Trust Wallet.

Partnerships & Collaborations

VeChain has established partnerships with various companies and organizations, including PwC, DNV GL, and BMW. These partnerships could potentially increase the demand and use of VTHO.


The VeChain Foundation has a comprehensive roadmap for the development of the VeChainThor blockchain and VTHO. This includes plans for further scalability improvements, enhanced security features, and expanded partnerships.

Risks & Challenges

Like any cryptocurrency, VTHO faces potential risks and challenges. These include market volatility, regulatory changes, and competition from other blockchain platforms. However, the VeChain Foundation's focus on enterprise adoption and regulatory compliance could help mitigate these risks.

Community & Regulatory Compliance


VTHO has a strong and active community, with supporters and developers contributing to its growth and development. The community is active on various social media platforms, including Reddit, Twitter, and Telegram.

Regulatory Compliance

The VeChain Foundation is committed to regulatory compliance and works closely with legal advisors to ensure that the VeChainThor blockchain and VTHO meet all relevant legal and regulatory requirements.

In conclusion, VeThor Token (VTHO) is a unique and innovative cryptocurrency that plays a vital role in the VeChainThor ecosystem. With its robust technology, key features, and strong development team, VTHO has the potential to make a significant impact in various industries.

VeThor Token Price0.001948 USD
Market Rank#259
Market Cap157,228,176 USD
24h Volume944,445 USD
Circulating Supply80,723,196,394 VTHO
Max SupplyNo data
Yesterday's Market Cap155,574,080 USD
Yesterday's Open / Close0.001867 USD / 0.001927 USD
Yesterday's High / Low0.001927 USD / 0.001806 USD
Yesterday's Change
0.03% ( 0.00006 USD )
Yesterday's Volume843,449.88 USD
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