The live price of Wrapped Beacon ETH (WBETH) today is 2,392.44 USD, and with the current circulating supply of Wrapped Beacon ETH at 1,213,121.65 WBETH, its market capitalization stands at 2,902,325,797 USD. In the last 24 hours WBETH price has moved 49.0801 USD or 0.02% while 1,969,355 USD worth of WBETH has been traded on various exchanges. The current valuation of WBETH puts it at #27 in cryptocurrency rankings based on market capitalization.
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Wrapped Beacon ETH (WBETH) is a unique cryptocurrency that represents Ethereum on the Tezos blockchain. It is a tokenized version of Ethereum, allowing users to interact with the Tezos ecosystem using a familiar asset. WBETH is a bridge between two of the most innovative blockchain platforms, opening up new possibilities for decentralized finance (DeFi) and other applications.
WBETH operates on the Tezos blockchain, which uses a consensus mechanism known as Liquid Proof-of-Stake (LPoS). This mechanism allows for a more democratic and efficient validation process compared to traditional Proof-of-Stake systems.
Tezos is a self-amending blockchain that can upgrade itself without needing to fork. This feature makes it an ideal platform for assets like WBETH, which benefit from the stability and predictability of the underlying blockchain.
By leveraging the Tezos blockchain, WBETH can take advantage of its high scalability, allowing for faster and more efficient transactions.
WBETH benefits from the robust security of both the Ethereum and Tezos blockchains. The tokenization process is secure, and the WBETH tokens are backed 1:1 by Ethereum.
While WBETH transactions are transparent on the blockchain, users can maintain their privacy by using pseudonymous addresses.
WBETH is fully decentralized, with no central authority controlling its issuance or operation. This decentralization is a key feature of most cryptocurrencies and is integral to their security and trustworthiness.
The WBETH project is managed by Bender Labs, a team of blockchain developers dedicated to building bridges between different blockchain ecosystems. The governance of WBETH is handled through the Tezos blockchain's self-amending process, which allows for democratic decision-making by the community.
WBETH has the potential to significantly impact the DeFi sector by allowing Ethereum users to interact with the Tezos ecosystem. This could lead to increased liquidity and innovation in the DeFi space.
WBETH can be purchased on several cryptocurrency exchanges, including Quipuswap, a decentralized exchange on the Tezos blockchain.
WBETH can be stored in any wallet that supports Tezos-based tokens, including popular options like Kukai and Temple Wallet.
Bender Labs has collaborated with several other projects in the Tezos ecosystem to increase the utility and reach of WBETH.
The future plans for WBETH include further integration with DeFi platforms and other applications on the Tezos blockchain.
Like any cryptocurrency, WBETH faces potential risks and challenges, including market volatility and regulatory uncertainty. However, the team behind WBETH is committed to navigating these challenges and continuing to develop and improve the project.
The WBETH community includes users and developers from both the Ethereum and Tezos ecosystems, creating a diverse and vibrant community.
WBETH is committed to complying with all relevant regulations and laws, ensuring the project's longevity and trustworthiness.
In conclusion, WBETH is a groundbreaking project that bridges the gap between Ethereum and Tezos, opening up new possibilities for users and developers. With its robust technology, innovative features, and dedicated team, WBETH is poised to make a significant impact on the cryptocurrency landscape.
Wrapped Beacon ETH Price | 2,392.44 USD |
Market Rank | #27 |
Market Cap | 2,902,325,797 USD |
24h Volume | 1,598,566 USD |
Circulating Supply | 1,213,121.65 WBETH |
Max Supply | 896,580.17 WBETH |
Yesterday's Market Cap | 2,905,135,360 USD |
Yesterday's Open / Close | 2,345.68 USD / 2,394.76 USD |
Yesterday's High / Low | 2,429.89 USD / 2,338.04 USD |
Yesterday's Change | 0.02% ( 49.0801 USD ) |
Yesterday's Volume | 1,969,355.38 USD |