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Cryptocurrencies/Coins/Wrapped NXM (WNXM)
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Wrapped NXM(WNXM)

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0.00089465 BTC
Market Cap (Rank#543)
687.149 BTC
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1.684756 BTC
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About Wrapped NXM?

The live price of Wrapped NXM (WNXM) today is 56.4068 USD, and with the current circulating supply of Wrapped NXM at 768,067.61 WNXM, its market capitalization stands at 43,324,270 USD. In the last 24 hours WNXM price has moved 2.152199 USD or 0.04% while 123,487 USD worth of WNXM has been traded on various exchanges. The current valuation of WNXM puts it at #543 in cryptocurrency rankings based on market capitalization.

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Wrapped NXM (WNXM) is a unique cryptocurrency that represents the wrapped version of NXM, the native token of Nexus Mutual, a people-powered alternative to insurance. The primary purpose of WNXM is to make NXM tokens tradable on decentralized exchanges, thereby expanding its accessibility and liquidity. This innovative approach combines the benefits of decentralized finance (DeFi) with the traditional insurance sector.

Technology & Mechanism

Consensus Mechanism

WNXM operates on the Ethereum blockchain, utilizing the Ethereum's Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. This mechanism ensures the security and integrity of transactions on the network.

Blockchain Technology

As an ERC-20 token, WNXM leverages the robust and versatile Ethereum blockchain. This allows it to interact seamlessly with other tokens and smart contracts on the Ethereum network, thereby facilitating a wide range of DeFi applications.

Key Features


WNXM, being an ERC-20 token, benefits from the scalability of the Ethereum network, which can handle a large number of transactions per second.


WNXM inherits the security features of the Ethereum blockchain, which is secured by a large network of nodes and the PoS consensus mechanism.


While transactions on the Ethereum network are transparent, users can maintain their privacy by using different addresses for different transactions.


WNXM is a decentralized token, meaning that it is not controlled by any central authority. This ensures that the token is censorship-resistant and open to anyone, anywhere in the world.

Development Team & Governance

The development of WNXM is spearheaded by the Nexus Mutual team, a group of experienced professionals in the blockchain and insurance industries. The governance of the token is carried out by NXM token holders, who can vote on various proposals.

Use Cases & Potential Impact

WNXM has the potential to disrupt the traditional insurance industry by providing a decentralized, people-powered alternative. It can be used to purchase coverage, participate in governance, and earn rewards on the Nexus Mutual platform.

Purchase & Storage

How to Buy

WNXM can be purchased on various decentralized exchanges such as Uniswap and Sushiswap. Users can swap their ETH or other ERC-20 tokens for WNXM.

Wallets & Storage

As an ERC-20 token, WNXM can be stored in any wallet that supports Ethereum, such as MetaMask, Trust Wallet, and Ledger.

Partnerships & Collaborations

WNXM has collaborated with various DeFi projects to provide coverage for their users. These partnerships have helped to increase the adoption and utility of the token.


The future plans of WNXM include expanding the types of coverage available on the Nexus Mutual platform, improving the governance model, and integrating with more DeFi projects.

Risks & Challenges

Like all cryptocurrencies, WNXM faces potential risks and challenges, such as regulatory uncertainty, market volatility, and smart contract bugs. However, the Nexus Mutual team is committed to mitigating these risks and overcoming these challenges.

Community & Regulatory Compliance


The WNXM community consists of NXM token holders, DeFi enthusiasts, and supporters of decentralized insurance. They contribute to the project by participating in governance, providing liquidity, and promoting the token.

Regulatory Compliance

WNXM complies with all relevant regulations in the jurisdictions in which it operates. The Nexus Mutual team is committed to maintaining the highest standards of legal and regulatory compliance.

In conclusion, Wrapped NXM is a groundbreaking cryptocurrency that combines the benefits of DeFi with the traditional insurance sector. With its unique features and potential use cases, it has the potential to disrupt the insurance industry and contribute to the growth of the DeFi ecosystem.

Wrapped NXM Price56.4068 USD
Market Rank#543
Market Cap43,324,270 USD
24h Volume106,223 USD
Circulating Supply768,067.61 WNXM
Max Supply2,379,601 WNXM
Yesterday's Market Cap42,282,500 USD
Yesterday's Open / Close52.8993 USD / 55.0515 USD
Yesterday's High / Low55.4138 USD / 52.6629 USD
Yesterday's Change
0.04% ( 2.152199 USD )
Yesterday's Volume123,486.64 USD
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