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Why you should advertise on

Gain instant market awareness through advertising with the leading crypto price aggregator

monthly page views
monthly visits
unique users

High Quality Traffic

Coin360 has > 95% Organic traffic and 1-2% CTR for our advertisement, giving your brand access to an audience with a dedicated interest in digital asset projects and the blockchain.

Global Reach with Localised Marketing

Coin360 attracts visitors from the global crypto community. We offer both locally customized and global advertising campaigns depending on your goals.

Data-driven Approach to Reach Your Target Audience

As a truly data-driven company, Coin360 helps our clients analyze ongoing campaigns and incorporate insights to reach your communication targets.

Tailored Support

Coin360 has a dedicated UX research team to continuously explore new products and services for our visitors. The dedicated team can help our clients to design and execute tailored advertising products.

What You Get

Global Recognition

The Coin360 heatmap is universally recognized in the crypto community — from opinion leaders to major digital asset industry players.

Unbiased Brand

Coin360 is an independent and trusted market data provider. The integrity of our data is not influenced by any third parties.


Up to 18,000,000 page views per month and 1 million unique users, all with a common interest in digital assets.

Types of Ads we offer

Mobile Ad Inventory on

Header banners

The best way to get brand recognition and exposure in a classic format. Access wide audience reach; your campaign is always front and center.

Dynamic button

Ensure better engagement with the pop-up banners that stand out from the page background. Always staying on the screen as page scrolling, these banners capture users attention and serve as perfect call to action.

Native buttons

Native buttons blend in perfectly with the platform and provide a more subtle and user-friendly format. The buttons seamlessly carry users to the partner's website.

News ticker

A perfect place for a brief, yet powerful message about your company. Integrated into the continuous news flow, your ad with company logo is hard to miss.

Advertise on

Leave your contact information below and a dedicated sales manager will reach out to you shortly

Coinzilla ( is the only authorized advertising partner of , allowing high-quality verified advertisers to place their ads on our website via their platform. If you're interested in advertising, leave your contact information below and a dedicated sales account manager will reach out to you shortly.

Our dedicated managers will only send you emails using a or domain email address. Any other domains might be an impersonation attack.

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