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Crypto Glossary/Maker Protocol (MakerDAO)

Maker Protocol (MakerDAO)

The Maker Protocol is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that allows users to create and manage the stablecoin Dai. It operates through smart contracts and collateralized debt positions (CD

TLDR - Maker Protocol (MakerDAO)

The Maker Protocol, developed by MakerDAO, is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) built on the Ethereum blockchain. It enables users to create and manage the stablecoin called Dai, which is pegged to the value of the US dollar. The protocol operates through a system of smart contracts and collateralized debt positions (CDPs), allowing users to lock up their crypto assets as collateral to generate Dai. The Maker Protocol is governed by MKR token holders who participate in the decision-making process and maintain the stability of the system.

Collateralized Debt Positions (CDPs)

Collateralized Debt Positions (CDPs) are a key component of the Maker Protocol. CDPs allow users to lock up their crypto assets as collateral to generate Dai. To create a CDP, users deposit their chosen collateral (such as Ether) into a smart contract. The smart contract then calculates the maximum amount of Dai that can be generated based on the collateral's value and a specified collateralization ratio. Users can withdraw Dai up to this limit, and they must maintain the collateralization ratio to avoid liquidation. If the value of the collateral falls below a certain threshold, the CDP can be liquidated to protect the stability of the system.

Stablecoin - Dai

Dai is the stablecoin created and managed by the Maker Protocol. Unlike traditional stablecoins that are backed by fiat currency reserves, Dai is backed by collateral locked in CDPs. This collateral can include various cryptocurrencies, providing a decentralized and transparent approach to maintaining stability. The value of Dai is pegged to the US dollar, aiming to maintain a 1:1 ratio. The stability of Dai is achieved through the autonomous system of the Maker Protocol, which adjusts the supply of Dai based on market demand and the collateralization ratio of CDPs.

Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO)

The Maker Protocol operates as a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). A DAO is an organization that operates through smart contracts and is governed by its participants, who hold voting rights and make decisions collectively. In the case of the Maker Protocol, MKR token holders are the governing body. They participate in the decision-making process, including setting the stability fee (interest rate) and managing the risk parameters of the system. The decentralized nature of the Maker Protocol ensures that no single entity has control over the protocol, enhancing transparency and reducing the risk of manipulation.

Stability Mechanisms - Stability Fee and Liquidation

The Maker Protocol incorporates stability mechanisms to maintain the value of Dai and the stability of the system. One such mechanism is the stability fee, which is an interest rate charged on outstanding Dai debt. The stability fee is set by MKR token holders and serves to incentivize users to repay their Dai debt and maintain the stability of the system. If a CDP's collateralization ratio falls below a specified threshold, it becomes eligible for liquidation. Liquidation involves the sale of the collateral to repay the outstanding Dai debt. This mechanism ensures that the value of Dai remains stable and adequately collateralized.

MKR Token

The MKR token is the native governance token of the Maker Protocol. MKR token holders have voting rights and participate in the decision-making process of the protocol. They are responsible for setting the stability fee, managing risk parameters, and making critical decisions that affect the stability and operation of the system. MKR tokens are also used to recapitalize the system in case of undercollateralization or system debt. The value of MKR is subject to market forces and can fluctuate based on the demand for the token and the success of the Maker Protocol.


The Maker Protocol, powered by MakerDAO, is a decentralized autonomous organization that enables the creation and management of the stablecoin Dai. Through the use of Collateralized Debt Positions (CDPs) and a system of smart contracts, users can lock up their crypto assets as collateral to generate Dai. The protocol is governed by MKR token holders, who participate in the decision-making process and maintain the stability of the system. With its unique approach to stability and decentralization, the Maker Protocol plays a significant role in the world of decentralized finance (DeFi) and offers an alternative to traditional stablecoins.

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