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News/How to Track Down Someone Who Scammed You: Lessons from 6 Major Crypto Scams

How to Track Down Someone Who Scammed You: Lessons from 6 Major Crypto Scams

May 22 2023

last year4 minutes read

Tracing Crypto Scammers: Methods to Recover Lost Funds and Pursue Justice

Written by Van

Cryptocurrency scams have surfaced as a rampant menace, leaving victims ravaged and seeking effective ways on how to track down someone who scammed them. In this guide, we will navigate through the murky world of crypto scams, examining real-life instances of the biggest crypto scams, and delivering robust strategies to recover funds and seek justice. 

By comprehending the types of scams, the psychology steering them, and initiating proactive action, you can bolster your chances of unearthing scammers and potentially reclaiming your lost assets. Venture with us on this quest to demystify crypto scammers and shield yourself from becoming prey to their fraudulent plots.

Comprehending Crypto Scams


To efficiently safeguard ourselves from crypto scams, it's imperative to fathom their characteristics, tactics, and psychological manipulation behind them. Here are instrumental insights to aid you in navigating the convoluted world of crypto scams:

Definition and Various Types of Crypto Scams

  • Ponzi Schemes: Pledge superior returns by deploying funds from new investors to remunerate existing ones.
  • Fake ICOs: Fraudulent initial coin offerings amassing funds for non-existent ventures.
  • Phishing and Malware: Trick victims into disclosing private keys or install malignant software to pilfer cryptocurrencies.

Psychological Mechanisms Employed in Scams

  • Manipulation: Scammers exploit emotions like fear, greed, and urgency to impair judgment.
  • Social Engineering: They establish trust by masquerading as reputable individuals or organizations.
  • Information Asymmetry: Scammers leverage the knowledge gap in the crypto industry to dupe investors.

Red Flags and Indicators of Scams

  • Unrealistic Returns: Be suspicious of guarantees that appear too favorable to be authentic.
  • Absence of Regulation: Scams commonly function in unregulated or loosely regulated environments.
  • Inadequate Documentation and Transparency: Legitimate initiatives offer explicit whitepapers, roadmaps, and information about the team.

By acquainting yourself with these aspects of crypto scams, you can strengthen your defenses and make knowledgeable investment decisions in the crypto sphere. Remain vigilant and always exercise prudence when participating in cryptocurrency transactions.

Extracting Lessons from Notorious Crypto Scams


To garner a profound understanding of crypto scams and their shattering repercussions, let's delve into some of the biggest crypto scams that have left a lasting imprint on the crypto community. By scrutinizing these real-life cases, we can unravel the red flags and warning signs that can assist us in identifying potential scams in the future.

1. OneCoin

Hailing from Bulgaria and registered in Dubai, OneCoin promised astronomical returns that far surpassed what Bitcoin offered. Operating as a classic Ponzi scheme, it paid early investors using funds from newcomers. OneCoin scammed unsuspecting investors out of a staggering $4 billion to $15 billion before its bubble burst in March 2019. Founder Ruja Ignatova found herself in handcuffs.

2. Bitconnect

Bitconnect lured investors with the promise of astronomical returns. However, in January 2018, the earning platform closed, Bitconnect shut down, and the value of BCC plummeted by 92%. It was unclear whether Bitconnect even existed as an entity. Victims were compensated over $17 million for their losses, and a top North American promoter of the scheme received a 38-month prison sentence in September 2022 for orchestrating a $2.4 billion Ponzi scam.

3. PlusToken

PlusToken arrived on the scene as a high-yield investment program, raking in over $3 billion USD from investors. It offered a wallet service to store cryptocurrencies and an investment program with high monthly returns. All thanks to “exchange profit, mining, and referral benefits,” or so they claimed. However, when the platform went bust in June 2019, it held almost $3 billion worth of assets like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and EOS. The PlusToken fraudsters cleverly used mixers, OTC brokers, and more to launder and cash out funds, contributing to a market price drop for Bitcoin.

4. Thodex

In the world of cryptocurrency scams, the story of Thodex is infamous. This Turkish cryptocurrency exchange halted trading abruptly in April 2021, leaving hundreds of thousands of users bereft of their digital assets. Fraud allegations began circulating, and the founder, Faruk Fatih Ozer, was reported to have fled to Albania, allegedly absconding with $2 billion of investors' funds. This sudden suspension led to speculations of an exit scam. The trial against Ozer started in April 2023.

5. AnubisDAO

AnubisDAO, marketed as a fork of OlympusDAO, was another canine-themed cryptocurrency. Despite lacking a website, it managed to attract $60 million in initial token sale for ANKH tokens. The project, however, lost control of its liquidity pool, and all $60 million was drained in what looked like a rug pull incident.

6. Meerkat Finance

Meerkat Finance was a DeFi yield farming project launched on the BNB Smart Chain in March 2021. Just a day later, the team reported a hack amounting to $31 million. It turned out to be an exit scam, and the so-called hackers made off with large sums of BNB and BUSD. What raised eyebrows was that the project's core business logic, housed within a smart contract, had been altered using a key only the original Meerkat developer was supposed to have.

Reacting Responsively: How to Track Down Someone Who Scammed You

In the unfortunate event of you being scammed, rapid response is crucial to elevate the possibilities of tracking down the scammers and potentially recovering your funds. Here's how to recover funds from crypto scam by actively seeking out the fraudsters and pursuing justice:

1. Documenting the Scam

When you realize that you have fallen victim to a crypto scam, the first step is to thoroughly document all relevant information about the scam. This includes gathering transaction records, communication history, and any other evidence that can assist in tracking down scammers.

2. Reporting the Scam to Authorities

Reporting the scam to the appropriate authorities is crucial in launching an investigation and potentially bringing the scammers to justice. Learn how to report the scam to the relevant law enforcement agencies and provide them with all the documented evidence.

3. Gathering Evidence and Identifying the Scammer

As you document the scam and report it to the authorities, continue gathering evidence that can help identify the scammers. This may involve tracing IP addresses, analyzing blockchain transactions, and working with cybersecurity experts to uncover the identities behind fraudulent activities.

4. Working with Law Enforcement Agencies

Collaborating with law enforcement agencies is essential in pursuing legal action against the scammers. Be proactive in providing them with all the information and evidence you have gathered, and cooperate fully with their investigation process.

5. Engaging with Online Communities and Victims' Groups

Joining online communities and victims' groups can provide valuable support and resources in tracking down scammers. By sharing your experiences and collaborating with others who have been scammed, you can collectively work towards identifying the culprits and seeking justice.

6. Seeking Legal Assistance

If you encounter challenges in tracking down scammers or recovering your funds, seeking legal assistance from professionals experienced in crypto scams can be beneficial. They can guide you through the legal process, explore potential avenues for recovery, and help you navigate complex legal frameworks.

7. Using Blockchain Analysis Tools

Blockchain analysis tools can assist in tracing transactions and uncovering the flow of funds within the crypto ecosystem. By leveraging these tools, you can gather additional evidence and potentially follow the trail to locate scammers or identify their financial activities.

Recovery of Funds after Crypto Scams

Recovering assets from a crypto scam might be arduous, but it's not beyond the bounds of possibility. Let's examine the steps you can employ to enhance your probability of regaining your misplaced funds and assets.

1. Immediate Steps after Discovering the Scam

Once you realize you have been scammed, there are immediate actions you should take to mitigate further losses. These include securing your accounts, changing passwords, and enabling additional security measures to protect your remaining assets.

2. Contacting Your Bank and Financial Institutions

If you made any transactions involving fiat currency or used banking services in relation to the scam, contacting your bank and financial institutions is crucial. They can guide you on the steps to take to protect your accounts, freeze any suspicious transactions, and potentially assist in recovering funds.

3. Filing Complaints with Cryptocurrency Exchanges

If you conducted any transactions through cryptocurrency exchanges in relation to the scam, filing complaints with those exchanges can help raise awareness and potentially aid in the recovery process. Provide them with all the necessary details and evidence to support your case.

4. Seeking Professional Help from Recovery Services

In complex cases where self-recovery seems challenging, engaging professional recovery services can be an option. These services specialize in tracking down scammers and using legal avenues to recover funds on behalf of their clients. However, it's crucial to thoroughly research and choose reputable recovery services to avoid falling into another scam.

Protecting Yourself from Future Scams


While recovering funds from a crypto scam is essential, preventing future scams is equally important. Here are some strategies to protect yourself from falling victim to crypto scams.

1. Educating Yourself about Scam Tactics

Stay informed about the latest scam tactics employed by fraudsters in the crypto space. Educate yourself about the common warning signs, red flags, and techniques scammers use to deceive their victims. By being aware, you can better identify and avoid potential scams.

2. Conducting Thorough Research before Investing

Before investing in any crypto project or participating in an ICO (Initial Coin Offering), conduct thorough research. Investigate the project's team, read whitepapers, review the project's roadmap, and assess its credibility. Avoid investing in projects with suspicious or unrealistic claims.

3. Utilizing Security Measures

Protect your crypto assets by implementing robust security measures. Use hardware wallets to store your cryptocurrencies securely, enable two-factor authentication (2FA) on all your accounts, and keep your software and antivirus programs up to date. Be cautious when sharing personal information online and be vigilant against phishing attempts.

FAQ about Tracking Down Scammers

Q: How to recover funds from a crypto scam?

A: Recovering funds from a crypto scam can be an uphill battle, but there are some strategies to follow:

  • Immediate Action: As soon as you realize you have been scammed, start documenting everything. Collect emails, screenshots, transaction receipts, and any other relevant data.
  • Report to Authorities: Notify your local law enforcement agency and file a complaint with the cybercrime unit. Additionally, report the scam to relevant financial and regulatory bodies.
  • Alert Crypto Platforms: Inform the cryptocurrency exchange or wallet provider about the incident. They may be able to freeze the assets or offer assistance in the recovery process.
  • Consult with Professionals: Reach out to cybersecurity experts or legal professionals who specialize in cryptocurrency fraud.
  • Blockchain Analysis: Use blockchain analysis tools to trace the movement of your lost funds.

Q: What are the biggest crypto scams?

A: Crypto scams have caused substantial financial damage over the years. Here are some of the biggest crypto scams:

  • OneCoin: Marketed as an investment opportunity, OneCoin turned out to be a Ponzi scheme costing investors billions.
  • BitConnect: Promising high returns through a lending platform, BitConnect was exposed as a Ponzi scheme, leading to a loss of approximately $1 billion.
  • PlusToken: This Chinese crypto Ponzi scheme defrauded investors out of over $2 billion.
  • Thodex: The Turkish cryptocurrency exchange abruptly ceased operations, leading to an estimated loss of $2 billion.
  • AnubisDAO: This DeFi project abruptly disappeared, leaving a loss of around $60 million.
  • Meerkat Finance: A rug pull scam on the Binance Smart Chain, Meerkat Finance disappeared with over $31 million in investor funds.

Q: How do crypto scams work?

A: Crypto scams exploit the complexity of blockchain technology and the promise of high returns. They usually involve the following methods:

  • Ponzi schemes: New investments are used to pay previous investors, creating an illusion of profitability.
  • Fake ICOs: Scammers create a fraudulent Initial Coin Offering (ICO) to lure investors into buying non-existent tokens.
  • Phishing: Scammers trick victims into revealing sensitive information, such as private keys, enabling them to steal funds.
  • Fake Exchanges and Wallets: Fraudsters create fake cryptocurrency exchanges or wallets to steal user credentials and assets.

Q: How can I protect myself from crypto scams?

A: Safeguarding oneself from crypto scams involves vigilant measures:

  • Educate Yourself: Understand the basics of blockchain and cryptocurrency technology. Recognize common scams and their red flags.
  • Verify Information: Conduct thorough research before making any investments. Verify the project team, check reviews, and study the whitepaper.
  • Use Secure Platforms: Use reputable and secure platforms for trading and storing cryptocurrencies.
  • Be Skeptical: Be wary of any investment that promises high returns with low risk. In the world of investments, such opportunities rarely exist.
  • Maintain Privacy: Never share sensitive information, like your private keys or seed phrases, with anyone.


Crypto scams pose a significant threat to investors, but by understanding the nature of these scams, learning from real-life examples, and taking proactive action, you can increase your chances of recovering funds and seeking justice. By documenting scams, reporting them to authorities, and leveraging the power of blockchain analysis tools, you can actively track down scammers and contribute to making the crypto space safer.

Remember to protect yourself from future scams by educating yourself and implementing strong security measures. Together, we can unmask crypto scammers and create a more secure environment for crypto enthusiasts.

This article has been refined and enhanced by ChatGPT.

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