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News/Uncover When ETH Gas Fees are Lowest: A Step-by-Step Guide

Uncover When ETH Gas Fees are Lowest: A Step-by-Step Guide

Van Thanh Le

Aug 24 2023

11 months ago4 minutes read
An energetic robot jumping out of its building as it catches the moment when ETH gas fees are lowest

Table of Contents

Written by Van

Section Key Points
Deciphering the Complexity of ETH Gas Fees Discusses the complexity of Ethereum gas fees and how high gas fees can be a concern for users looking for cost-efficient transactions. The section aims to address when gas fees are at their lowest and how to navigate this territory strategically.
Understanding ETH Gas Fees ETH gas fees are transaction fees paid by users for computational activities on the Ethereum network. These fees fluctuate depending on several factors like congestion on the Ethereum network, the complexity of computational tasks, and speculator behavior. ETH gas tracker tools like Etherscan, Quicknode, Milkroad, Metaschool, and Owlracle provide real-time data on the network's activity and transaction costs.
When are ETH Gas Fees Lowest? Analyzing historical data can help to predict when gas fees are lowest. Fees typically reach their lowest levels during weekends, especially from 12 AM on Saturday to 12 PM on Sunday (UTC). Global activity across different time zones, external events, and prevailing market conditions substantially impact gas prices. Tools like Intotheblock, Dune Analytics, Milkroad, and Blocknative can help predict future lows in gas fees.
How to Reduce ETH Gas Fees Strategies to reduce ETH gas fees include efficient interactions with smart contracts, use of ETH gas tracker, adoption of Layer 2 solutions and sidechains, choosing the right wallet and exchange offering customizable gas fee settings, tapping into the knowledge from crypto communities, and avoiding common mistakes that can spike transaction costs.

Deciphering the Complexity of ETH Gas Fees

when are ETH gas fees lowest - the stuck traffic has been here for so long.webp

As Ethereum continues its dominance, with a significant Ethereum market cap in the crypto market space, users worldwide grapple with a shared concern. To gain deeper insights into Ethereum's evolution, including the significant event of the triple halving, check out this in-depth analysis.

High ETH gas fees can indeed be a pain point, prompting a relentless pursuit to find the elusive timing for cost-efficient transactions. This chase sparks a pivotal question on every enthusiast's lips: When are ETH gas fees lowest?

To address this digital dilemma, we'll delve deep into the Ethereum gas price mechanism, uncovering the secrets of when gas fees bottom out and how to strategically navigate this terrain. Stay with us as we equip you with valuable insights on how to optimize transactions and significantly reduce your ETH gas expenditure.

Understanding ETH Gas Fees


If you've ever wondered "When are ETH gas fees lowest?" it's essential to first understand precisely what these fees are. ETH gas fees are transaction fees paid by users for computational activities on the Ethereum network, much like toll fees for roads. 

Whether you're making a transfer, initiating a smart contract, or deploying a decentralized application, gas fees are the fuel that powers every operation. You can learn more about the mechanics of gas fees on the official Ethereum developer's page.

Currently, ETH gas fees (which are given in a unit called "gwei") fluctuate depending on several factors. Congestion on the Ethereum network, the complexity of computational tasks, and even speculator behavior can impact the current ETH gas fees. The higher the demand, the higher the gas fees, creating a dynamic marketplace for Ethereum transactions, which often reflects in the crypto price.

In navigating this marketplace, ETH gas tracker tools are invaluable resources. They provide real-time data on the Ethereum network's activity, giving users predictive insights into transaction costs. Some popular ETH gas tracker tools include:

As we look at the Ethereum gas fees right now, we find a snapshot of the seemingly constant changes on the Ethereum network. At 2:26 PM UTC, August 24, 2023, the gas price ranged from 26-30 gwei, equating to $0.94 - $1.04. The cost to transfer USDT stood at a minimum of $2.5, while a swap on Uniswap required at least $8.5. It's a vivid example of the fluctuating Ethereum gas price landscape.

etherscan gas price tracker.webp
Source: Etherscan

Ethereum gas price dynamics can seem complicated, but they follow some general rules. Essentially, when network activity is high, gas prices increase. Conversely, during periods of lower activity, gas prices decrease. 

Keep in mind that the higher the gas price you're willing to pay, the faster your transaction is likely to be processed. Understanding this ebb and flow is critical for strategizing your Ethereum transactions and figuring out when the ETH gas fees are lowest.

When are ETH Gas Fees Lowest?

Ethereum's gas fees are subject to fluctuation due to several factors, including network activity and transaction complexity, which can be observed in the crypto coin prices

Therefore, it is crucial to understand when these fees are typically lowest, how global activities influence the gas fees, and which external events could lead to decreased gas prices. We'll also discuss some tools and strategies to help you predict future gas fees.

Historical Data and Recurring Low Fee Periods

By analyzing historical data, we can identify patterns in Ethereum's gas fees. Among several monitoring tools available to track these fluctuations, we prioritize IntoTheBlock. This tool offers a broader perspective, providing insights based on gas fee data for the past 28 days, instead of just 7 days like most tools. 

According to IntoTheBlock, the gas fees for Ethereum typically reach their lowest levels during weekends (UTC time), especially from 12 AM on Saturday to 12 PM on Sunday. This is the time when it's Friday night in the U.S and Saturday morning in Asia and Europe.

Source: IntoTheBlock

Time Zones and Global Impact

The global activity across different time zones significantly impacts Ethereum's gas prices. Gas fees generally drop when it's between 11 PM (Sunday) and 11 AM (Monday) UTC— a period when the U.S enters its morning hours and Europe prepares for the afternoon.

Impact of Events and Market Conditions

External events and prevailing market conditions substantially impact gas prices. When major announcements or news about cryptocurrencies generate a rush to buy or sell ETH, it often leads to network congestion and, subsequently, higher gas fees.

Tools and Strategies: Predicting Low Fees in Future

Several tools and strategies allow you to predict when Ethereum's gas fees might be lowest:

1. IntoTheBlock

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Source: IntoTheBlock

Avoid transactions between 12 PM to 11 PM on weekdays, when gas fees are usually high. Instead, transact between 12 AM Saturday to 12 PM Sunday.

2. Dune Analytics

hildobby dune heatmap.webp
Source: @hildobby/ Dune

Agreeing with IntoTheBlock, this Dune dashboard suggests low gas fees between 11 PM (Sunday) and 11 AM (Monday) UTC. The rest of the week follows a similar pattern, with sharp price hikes starting from 1 PM onwards.

3. Milkroad

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Source: Milkroad

This tool indicates the lowest fees between 2 AM and 11 AM throughout the week. It suggests avoiding transactions between 1 PM and 12 AM (UTC) on weekdays.

4. Blocknative

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Source: Blocknative

This tool is consistent with both IntoTheBlock and Dune, suggesting low gas fees during the hours between 12 PM - 1 AM (UTC) throughout week.

While these tools offer reliable insights, remember that Ethereum gas fees are driven by supply and demand dynamics and may change rapidly. It’s important to stay updated with real-time changes to manage your transactions effectively.

How to Reduce ETH Gas Fees 

Efficiency is key when it comes to managing your cryptocurrency portfolio, and this is particularly true when it involves reducing ETH gas fees which can, at times, be exorbitant. Here are some practical strategies you can adopt to keep these costs in check.

1. Smart Contract Interactions

Smart contracts mark an exciting aspect of blockchain technology. However, inefficiently coded smart contracts can escalate gas costs. It is essential to understand how the contracts you interact with function and are coded. 

For example, understanding the WETH Contract Address and WETH to ETH Conversions can be crucial in managing your interactions with smart contracts. Aim to only engage with optimized smart contracts. Also, remember batch transactions can also help reduce gas fees up to a certain extent.

2. Using ETH Gas Tracker

To maneuver the fluctuating landscape of ETH gas fees, using an ETH gas tracker becomes paramount. These useful tools help monitor the real-time gas prices so you can strategically time your transactions when the fees are at their lowest. 

Certain ETH gas trackers, for instance, Blocknative, include a Gas Estimator feature that forecasts the ETH gas charges for upcoming blocks. Remember, knowledge is power - and in this case, a potential saving.

blocknative gas estimator (1).webp
Source: Blocknative

3. Layer 2 Solutions and Sidechains

Layer 2 solutions and sidechains are innovative technologies that aim to amplify scalability and reduce ETH gas fees without compromising on the network's security. Solutions like ArbitrumOptimism, and zkSync for Ethereum help expedite transactions and reduce costs by carrying out computation off-chain and only making necessary data available on-chain.

4. Choosing the Right Wallet and Exchange

Different wallets and exchanges apply varying gas fee structures. When selecting your crypto wallet or exchange platform, make sure to note the platform's gas fees. Options that offer customizable gas fee settings like MetaMask and MyEtherWallet can be useful to manage costs effectively.

5. Community Tips and Tricks

Never underestimate the power of collective knowledge. Crypto communities on platforms like Reddit often share crowd-sourced strategies and insights on how to navigate around and reduce ETH gas fees. Tap into these communities and broaden your understanding.

6. Avoiding Common Mistakes

Lastly, it is essential to learn from the common mistakes can spike up your transaction costs. One primary misstep is rushing transactions and paying higher gas fees to quicken the process. Unless you're in an aggressive trading scenario, it might be more cost-effective to be patient and wait for the gas prices to drop.

Remember, reducing ETH gas fees can be simplified into three core aspects: being informed, strategic, and patient.

FAQs About ETH Gas Fees

1. What is the lowest time for ETH gas fees?

The lowest time for ETH gas fees typically falls during the weekend (UTC time), particularly from 12 AM Saturday to 12 PM Sunday, and between 11 PM (Sunday) and 11 AM (Monday) UTC.

2. How do I get the lowest gas fees on Ethereum?

To get the lowest gas fees on Ethereum, avoid peak periods when network traffic is high. Use tools like IntoTheBlock or Dune Analytics to track gas fee trends and time your transactions optimally. 

3. What are the best times for ETH fees?

The best times for ETH fees generally are late nights to mornings (UTC time) on weekends and the start of the week (Monday). Different gas fee trackers offer various optimal timings, so it's best to consult multiple sources.

4. What is the best time of day to buy ETH?

The best time of day to buy ETH largely depends on the network congestion, which influences gas fees. On average, however, the gas fees tend to be lower between 11 PM (Sunday) and 11 AM (Monday) UTC.


In the dynamic world of Ethereum, learning when ETH gas fees are lowest and how to reduce them can significantly optimize your transactions, a vital aspect to understand when analyzing cryptocurrency charts. We've looked at the volatility of gas prices, explored ETH gas tracker tools, and delved into methods such as off-peak transactions, Layer 2 solutions, and picking the right wallet. 

As we close, remember this knowledge offers more than just savings; it empowers you to navigate the crypto-sphere in a more informed and strategic manner. Transact smarter, not harder. Challenge the status quo and take control of your Ethereum transactions. Here's to mastering ETH gas fees, one transaction at a time.

This article has been refined and enhanced by ChatGPT.

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