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Van Thanh Le

Mar 4 2024

8 / 10


Stake ETH & earn big with Mantle! Our review unlocks the secrets of Mantle Staked ETH - rates, security & user-friendliness. Should you stake your ETH with Mantle?



Competitive Rewards


Simplified Staking Process


Community-Driven Governance


Non-Custodial Operations



Node Operators Fee


Potential APY Cut


Minimum ETH Amount

Mantle Review Scores







User Experience (UX/UI)




Security Measures




Reward Structure




Customer Support




Stability and Performance




Fees and Costs


An Introduction to Mantle Staked ETH Detailed Review

Tired of the limitations of traditional ETH staking? Enter Mantle Staked ETH, a game-changer in the DeFi space. This innovative L2 platform on Ethereum boasts high yields for staking ETH, allowing you to earn passive income while contributing to network security. But Mantle goes beyond just juicy returns. It challenges the status quo of centralized staking giants like Lido and Coinbase by introducing mETH, a novel token that unlocks a world of possibilities within the Liquid Staking and DeFi ecosystem. 

With over 532,454 ETH staked by a diverse community of 44,371 validators, Mantle boasts a total value locked (TVL) of $1.851 billion, making it a force to be reckoned with. Stay tuned as we delve deeper into Mantle Staked ETH's features, usability, security, and support, to see if it lives up to the hype.


Key Takeaways

Mantle Staked ETH offers innovative DeFi features, carving its niche in the market based on a thorough review. Here's the essence:

  • Innovative Liquid Staking Solution: Mantle Staked ETH is a beacon of innovation, blending traditional ETH staking with DeFi's fluid dynamics, enabling users to earn high yields while maintaining control over their assets.
  • High Yield and Accessibility: Offers a competitive 7.2% APY, outperforming the market average, with a user-friendly minimum stake of 0.02 ETH.
  • User-Centric Platform: Prioritizes a seamless user experience with an intuitive interface, multiple wallet integrations, and detailed educational resources.
  • Robust Security Framework: Employs non-custodial operations, comprehensive risk management practices, and partnerships with Tier 1 Node Operators, ensuring a secure staking environment.
  • Community and Support: Boasts a substantial on-chain treasury managed by the Mantle Governance DAO, alongside extensive FAQs and a community forum for peer support.

Mantle Staked ETH’s Pros and Cons


  • Offers a high annual percentage yield (APY) for staking, significantly above the market average, enhancing the attractiveness of its staking rewards.
  • Prioritizes user control and security through non-custodial operations and advanced risk management practices, ensuring that users' assets are well-protected.
  • Supports a user-friendly experience with straightforward staking and unstaking processes, complemented by multiple wallet integrations and clear guides.
  • Engages a community-driven approach with a governance model that allows token holders to influence the platform's development and decisions.


  • The promotional APY rate has a potential end date, creating uncertainty about the long-term rewards structure.
  • Requires a minimum staking and unstaking amount, which, although user-friendly, may present a barrier for users with lower amounts of ETH to stake.
  • The Mantle LSP fee is 10% of rewards, with a portion shared with Node Operators.  

1. What Is Mantle Staked ETH?

Mantle Staked ETH is a beacon of innovation in the world of Ethereum staking, operating under the larger umbrella of the Mantle ecosystem. This system bridges the traditional staking model with the fluid dynamics of the DeFi space, ensuring users retain full command over their assets in a permissionless and non-custodial manner. 

By leveraging validator nodes, Mantle allows participants to stake Ethereum and receive Mantle-staked ether (mETH), a derivative that represents the staked ETH. This process is not just about staking; it's a doorway to earning additional rewards through a meticulously designed Liquid Staking Protocol (LSP) that boasts a high APY, positioning it as a leader in yield offerings among its peers.

Mantle's ranking on DefiLlama.

Diving deeper, Mantle Staked ETH is more than just a staking service; it's a testament to the ecosystem's commitment to decentralization and innovation. With a governance model powered by MNT token holders, the community takes the helm in deciding the ecosystem's trajectory, from product launches to treasury management. This collective approach is bolstered by one of DeFi's most substantial on-chain treasuries, managed by the Mantle Governance DAO. 

Mantle distinguishes itself with a high-yield, efficient staking token (mETH), underpinned by strategies like MEV tactics and Treasury yield sharing. Its modular architecture ensures compatibility and scalability with Ethereum, emphasizing the importance of decentralization and safety in staking. The advent of Mantle's LSP is a strategic response to centralization risks, echoing concerns voiced by key figures in the Ethereum community and ensuring a safer, more decentralized staking environment.

2. How User-Friendly Is Mantle Staked ETH?

Evaluating Mantle Staked ETH's platform from a user-friendly perspective, it becomes clear that the developers have prioritized a streamlined and intuitive user experience. The integration of Ethereum's roll-up technology not only ensures high throughput and security but does so within a familiar EVM environment, making it less daunting for newcomers. 

The conversion process from ETH to mETH is designed to be straightforward, ensuring that even those new to staking can navigate it with ease. This simplicity extends to the staking interface, which supports multiple wallet integrations including MetaMask, WalletConnect, Bybit Wallet, and TokenPocket. It's this simplicity and support that guide users smoothly through the staking and unstaking process, alleviating potential stress points for beginners.


Furthermore, Mantle goes beyond just providing a user-friendly interface; it ensures that users are well-informed through every step of their journey. Transparency in the exchange rate between ETH and mETH is maintained with updates every 8 hours, allowing users to make decisions based on the most current information. For those who wish to delve deeper, detailed guides and tutorials like "A Staker's Guide to mETH" are readily available, offering insights into minimum staking amounts, transaction costs, and how to add mETH to their wallets. 

3. What Are the Staking Rewards and Conditions?

Mantle offers a compelling staking reward structure for its staked ETH (mETH) with an attractive 7.2% APY (as of today, March 4, 2024). This rate is particularly interesting considering the current market average for ETH staking falls somewhere between 4-6%. However, it's important to note that this Double-Dose Drive promotion began in December 2023 and has an earliest end date of April 1, 2024. It's unclear whether this rate will persist after the promotion concludes.


Transparency is a strong point for Mantle's staking system. Rewards are distributed through a combination of issuance, MEV (Max Extractable Value), priority fees, and "top-ups" via Mantle LSP's function. This means mETH holders earn rewards without any additional actions – the rewards are automatically reflected in the mETH to ETH conversion rate. The minimum stake amount is a user-friendly 0.02 ETH, and the minimum unstake amount is 0.01 ETH, with unstaking requiring around 4 days but incurring no fees. 

In my experience, such a seamless staking experience with competitive rates is a breath of fresh air. While the promotional period adds a layer of impermanence, the transparency and ease of use make Mantle an attractive option for ETH stakers, especially those new to the DeFi space.

Note that 10% of rewards go to the Mantle LSP fee, with a portion shared with Node Operators.  

4. What Security Measures Does Mantle Staked ETH Employ?

Mantle Staked ETH takes its security measures seriously, employing a mix of non-custodial operations, risk management practices, and high-quality node operators to ensure that users' assets and data are well-protected. By ensuring that the core smart contracts and off-chain services are non-custodial, Mantle guarantees that the staked ETH remains within protocol-defined smart contract addresses. This means that users retain control over their assets, reducing the risk of unauthorized access or control by a third party.

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The platform's commitment to security is further reinforced through robust risk management strategies. These include enforcing sanity bounds and risk limits through its core smart contracts. Mantle also diversifies roles and permissions among various stakeholders such as Oracles, Guardians, Operators, and the Mantle Security Council, each playing a pivotal role in enhancing the security framework. This layered approach to security governance ensures that checks and balances are in place, minimizing vulnerabilities.

Moreover, Mantle's choice to partner with Tier 1 Node Operators for the validation services of its L2 rollup signifies a strong emphasis on reliability and security. These operators are known for their high standards in security practices, thus ensuring a secure and efficient validation process for transactions within the protocol. In my personal experience, platforms that invest in such high-quality partnerships typically offer a more secure and reliable service, making Mantle Staked ETH a trustworthy choice for users looking to stake their ETH.

5. How Does Mantle Staked ETH Support Its Users?

Their extensive FAQ section (FAQs should be the first port of call for most users), covering a broad range of staking and DeFi topics, empowers users to find answers independently. This is a refreshing change from platforms with limited documentation, forcing users to rely on potentially slow and resource-intensive support channels.


For those seeking a more interactive experience, the Mantle community forum fosters a collaborative environment. Users can engage with fellow enthusiasts, exchange DeFi strategies, and get help with staking or liquidity-related questions. This creates a valuable knowledge base beyond just official support channels. 

Conclusion: Is Mantle Staked ETH Right for Your ETH Staking Needs?

Mantle Staked ETH offers a compelling combination of high yields, user-friendly features, and robust security. Whether you're a seasoned DeFi participant or new to staking, Mantle's streamlined platform and informative resources make it an attractive option. However, weigh the promotional APY against potential post-promotion rates to ensure alignment with your investment goals. Consider the insights provided to make an informed decision about whether Mantle Staked ETH fits your staking strategy.

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