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News/Jupiter’s JUP Token Takes Off Then Crashes, Sparks Community Firestorm

Jupiter’s JUP Token Takes Off Then Crashes, Sparks Community Firestorm

Van Thanh Le

Feb 2 2024

6 months ago4 minutes read
Chibi cubic-styled robot, embodying the vibrant energy of the Jupiter token market

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Jupiter Token: Soaring Launch, Sudden Dip, and a Community Divided

Jupiter, a new decentralized exchange on Solana, sent shockwaves through the crypto-verse with its JUP token launch. Initially soaring, the token's value plummeted over 63%, igniting heated debates. 


Adam Cochran, a prominent cryptocurrency analyst, leveled serious allegations of mismanagement against the Jupiter team. He claimed that the team allocated an excessive portion of JUP tokens to themselves and hastily withdrew liquidity, netting $30 million on day one without any lockup period, thereby maintaining a 50% ownership stake. 

This move sparked concerns about market stability and investor confidence, with some critics likening it to a "rug pull," a term used in the crypto world to describe developers withdrawing support from a project, leaving investors stranded.

In defense, Jupiter's founder, "Meow," rebutted these allegations as unfounded and mere "shitposting," promising a thorough post-launch analysis. Addressing the backlash over the JUP airdrop on Solana, Meow criticized crypto influencers for their narrow focus on buy/sell dynamics. He argued that the airdrop and launch liquidity pool were widely misunderstood, defending the team's strategy. 

The airdrop drew flak, with critics comparing it to a token sale or an ICO, owing to a 250 million JUP launch liquidity pool established by the team. Meow countered these criticisms, emphasizing the airdrop's aim to benefit JUP holders and ensure fair outcomes.

The Jupiter team envisioned JUP as a DeFi 2.0 linchpin, focusing on growth, ecosystem initiatives, and a community-driven governance model. Their "50/50 Tokenomics," token minting ritual, and cold wallet release conditions aimed to control token supply, distribution, and security. 

However, the approach raised eyebrows, with observers pointing out the resemblance of JUP's public sale to a capital-raising strategy, lacking in transparency. This sparked discussions about informed buyer decision-making. 

To manage price volatility, the Jupiter team introduced "moon protection," capping the JUP token price at 0.70 until a $100 million milestone was reached. Meow acknowledged errors in setting the token's launch price range. 

Despite these hurdles, JUP tokens garnered significant trading volumes and holders, with its market capitalization soaring over $800 million. The trading pool tactic, allowing token offerings in a specific price range, faced scrutiny for resembling an IDO more than an airdrop. 

Amid the criticism, some analysts, like Blockworks' Ren Yu Kong, viewed the backlash as overblown. He likened Jupiter's pricing strategy to traditional IPO pricing set by investment bankers, underscoring the voluntary nature of participation. 

The Solana community largely endorsed the token sale process and design, valuing the transparency and absence of venture capitalist involvement. Jupiter's saga became a test case for its LFG launchpad, a future platform for issuing tokens to Solana users, highlighting a blend of challenges and triumphs in the evolving world of cryptocurrency.

JUP’s Debut Sparks Crypto Buzz

Before the controversy, the JUP token launch had quickly grabbed headlines with a $914 million market cap within 30 minutes post its launch at 10 am EST on January 31. This remarkable surge vaulted it to the rank of the sixth-largest decentralized exchange by market cap.

The journey of JUP's price post-launch was a rollercoaster, beginning at $0.86, then dipping to $0.5, before finding equilibrium around $0.68. The project's visionary, known simply as meow, remarked on the token's resilience and stability in the volatile market conditions.

A historical moment in crypto was marked by Jupiter's airdrop, which distributed 1 billion JUP tokens across roughly 955,000 wallets. With each token valued at $0.68, this airdrop amounted to a staggering $680 million, eclipsing other major events in the space, including the renowned 1inch airdrop, and ranking as the 10th largest in the annals of crypto history.

Surreal cosmic scene with Jupiter and golden tokens depicting the impactful JUP airdrop event (1)

JUP's fully diluted value (FDV) painted an even more impressive picture. At a colossal $6.8 billion, it overshadowed the FDV of the notable Uniswap's UNI, which stands at $6.1 billion. Uniswap, renowned for being the largest DEX by volume, also boasts the highest market capitalization among DeFi protocols.

The token distribution and utility of JUP reveal a well-thought-out strategy. With a total circulating supply of 1.35 billion, the allocations are split between a launchpool, market maker loans, and liquidity provisions. The distribution is evenly balanced between the Jupiter team and the wider community. The founder meow envisages JUP as more than just a token – it's a symbol representing Jupiter and the future of decentralized finance.

Jupiter's dominance in the market is evident from its 24-hour trading volume of $661 million, crowning it as the largest aggregator in the crypto world. It also boasts of handling over 80% of DEX volume on Solana.

share volume (dune).png
Source: @raccoons/ Dune

But Jupiter isn't just a one-trick pony. Its range of offerings extends beyond being a mere DEX aggregator. Products like perpetuals, limit orders, and dollar-cost-averaging functionality elevate it to the status of a comprehensive ecosystem player.

The launch of JUP has dovetailed with a resurgence in Solana's performance, seen in the uptick in SOL's price, a spike in active addresses, and significant new partnerships. The founder of Jupiter sees JUP as a pivotal force in this revitalization, aiming to boost cryptocurrency usage and innovation.


Jupiter's launch was a rollercoaster ride – from meteoric highs to community divisions. While concerns linger about tokenomics and price volatility, its significant trading volume and market cap suggest resilience. Whether it becomes a DeFi leader or succumbs to criticism hinges on the team's ability to address concerns, build trust, and navigate the choppy crypto waters. Only time will tell if JUP truly reaches for the stars or crashes back to Earth.


1. What caused the controversy surrounding JUP's launch?

The main issues were the team's large token allocation, quick withdrawal of liquidity, and the airdrop's resemblance to an ICO. Critics claimed it resembled a "rug pull," raising concerns about transparency and market stability.

2. How did the community react to the JUP airdrop?

Opinions were divided. Some hailed it as a generous way to distribute tokens and foster community involvement. Others criticized its size and structure, comparing it to a sale and questioning its fairness.

3. What are the key features of the JUP token and its ecosystem?

JUP aims to be a DeFi 2.0 leader, focusing on growth, ecosystem initiatives, and community governance. It boasts features like perpetuals, limit orders, and dollar-cost averaging, positioning itself as a comprehensive exchange aggregator.

4. What is the future outlook for JUP and the Solana ecosystem?

The future remains uncertain. JUP's success depends on addressing community concerns, demonstrating transparency, and delivering on its ambitious vision. Meanwhile, its launch has highlighted both challenges and opportunities for Solana's DeFi ecosystem, leaving its trajectory open to debate.

This article has been refined and enhanced by ChatGPT.  

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