Сryptocurrency volume is the amount of a given cryptocurrency traded throughout a particular time period. The current trade volume in a base and quote currency is calculated for the last 24 hours for each pair on all exchanges and converted to USD using COIN360's prices.
The volume of an asset reveals its popularity among traders and can be measured in the base currency of your choice.
COIN360 has various options for base and quote currencies: BTC, ETH, EOS, USDT, GBP, JPY, CNY, and others. All market data will be converted into the currency of your choice.
Fact: The top cryptocurrency by volume always changes. Market participants tend to shift the trading pairs depending on price, volatility, inflation and other factors. For example, on the 3rd of April, 2019, the currency with the maximum trading volume of $22,8 million was Tether (USDT), the second one was Bitcoin (BTC), and the third-place was taken by Ethereum (ETH).